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The European Labour Market - Success Through Flexibility and Mobility

by Wido Geis

Volume 2: Jobs without Frontiers: The Potential of the Single European Labour Market

The second volume of the series deals with employee mobility in Europe and with the question of how it has developed over the last few crisis-wrought years. Dr Wido Geis analyses the factors that can support or hinder the decision to move to another country to take up a job. He illustrates reform measures to increase mobility and explains the impact that they can be expected to have.

Asset Publisher


Introduction: Europe between record unemployment and skills shortages8
How mobile is the European labour force?9
Migration flows within the EU9
The labour force in other EU countries11
Why isn’t there more mobility within the EU?15
Variables affecting the decision to migrate15
Obstacles to migration between EU countries17
How can labour mobility in the EU be increased?20
What is the potential of the single European labour market?23

Asset Publisher


Matthias Schäfer

Matthias Schäfer

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Single title
May 23, 2013
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