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„USA, Germany and Israel: Transatlantic Triangle united by Values and Challenges?“

Internationale Konferenz in Zusammenarbeit mit der American University

How do common values translate into policies and society?

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Germany and the US are close allies of Israel in political, economic and cultural terms. In a two-day international conference, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung will shine a light on the triangle of these countries with legal, economic and policy experts from Israel, Europe and the US.

From a political, economic and religious perspective it should be discussed how these countries developed on the basis of shared values. In addition, the participants will examine the conversion of these values into policy and the possibilities to jointly tackle on future social and political challenges.

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Washington, DC


  • Ambassador Dennis Ross (USA)
    • former president of the Supreme Court of Israel
      • Dorit Beinisch
        • and the theologian Friedrich Wilhelm Graf (Germany)
          • among others
            • will participate in the discussions.


              USA, Germany and Israel: Transatlantic Triangle United By Values and Challenges?: Conference with multiple high level experts from Israel, Europe and the United States
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              Israeli, German and American Foreign Policy: Key note address and discussion with Ambassador Dennis Ross
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              Dr. Lars Hänsel


              Head of the Department Europe and North America

     +49 30 26996-3526

              Elmar Sulk

              Project Manager

     +1 202 464 5843