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Future of Iraq - reframing the state, reconciling communities and preventing future conflict

How to construct a positive future for Iraq and how can the West help? Looking for answers

Stability and security in Iraq is a challenge that goes far beyond the short term goal to defeat ISIS. In a series of workshops a group of experts in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is looking for answers.

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The urgent quest for answers to the question how to fight, push back and defeat ISIS is in the foreground of recent analyses of the situation in Iraq. But the long term future of the country of Iraq is only possible if the diverse religious and societal groups are working together and find common ground. The Iraqi government, the United States and the international community of states are tasked with looking for ways to create lasting stability in the region.

The design for the future political system has to be found, while conflicts with ISIS are raging. Otherwise a "Phyrrus victory" is threatening. The working group "Future of Iraq Task Force" consists of specialists and policy experts from Iraq, the U.S. and Europe. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a partner of the Atlantic Council in Washington, DC. Under the leadership of the former U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker, the group of high ranking observers and experts will meet four times to work out suggestions for the future approach. A two-day conference in Washington will kick off the series of workshops. In a public event at the beginning of the meetings the participants will discuss the goals with experts from the fields of politics, diplomacy, NGOs and universities.

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Washington, DC


Eine Zukunftsvision für den Irak: Hochrangig besetzte Task Force bereitet bei einem Treffen in Washington Handlungsempfehlungen vor
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Elmar Sulk

Project Manager +1 202 464 5843