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Common Challenges of Canada and Germany

Dialog Program with Prof. Dr. Georg Milbradt

In Ottawa, Prof. Dr. Georg Milbradt will meet with elected officials, policy experts and members of the academic community to discuss common challenges faced by Canada and Germany

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Professor Dr. Georg Milbradt will discuss current developments in the transatlantic relationship, particularly in the fields of economics and finance, during two days of meetings and discussions in Ottawa. As former Minister President of the Free State of Saxony and a current professor of economics and public finance, Prof. Dr. Milbradt will bring a unique transatlantic perspective to current debates on these issues and insight into political developments in Germany.

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung will organize speaking engagements in Ottawa with Prof. Dr. Milbradt on Monday, February 10 in cooperation with the Forum of Federations and on Tuesday, February 11 in cooperation with the University of Ottawa’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and its Center for International Policy Studies.

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Transatlantic Dialogue: Common Challenges of Canada and Germany: Dialog Program with Professor Dr. Georg Milbradt
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Dr. Lars Hänsel


Head of the Department Europe and North America +49 30 26996-3526

Julie Eubank

Project Manager

Prof.Dr. Georg Milbradt Privateigentum Georg Milbradt