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A picture is worth a thousand words. That's why every month we present an exciting finding from our studies of empirical electoral and social research in our "Chart of the Month". A glance at the graph is usually enough to grasp the topic and the result. A short classifying text nevertheless provides accompanying context and refers to the complete study for those interested.


Chart of the Month March 2025

Belief in secret powers. Almost a third of the electorate believe in a global conspiracy.

Chart of the Month December 2024

Voting motive: problem-solving competence. Three-quarters of voters consider the problem-solving competence of a party they vote for to be completely or rather important.

Chart of the Month November 2024

Goodbye generation conflict. Older people pay more attention to climate-friendly behavior than younger people.

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Ralf Krebstakies

Ralf Krebstakies Profilbild

Wahl- und Sozialforschung +49 30 26996-3830