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Event reports

Stakeholder Meetings 2025

by O. Kevin Anvo, Anastasia Rentzing

The regional program Political Dialogue West Africa has started the new year 2025 with its traditional Stakeholder Meetings in Abidjan, Lomé, Cotonou and Conakry.

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung met with its partners in each of the French-speaking countries covered by its regional programme Political Dialogue West Africa. As part of its traditional New Year’s activity and the presentation of best wishes to its partners, known as the Stakeholder Meeting, regional programme PDWA started its activities for 2025 in the West African countries where it operates. These included Côte d'Ivoire, Benin, Guinea, and Togo. Through a series of regional meetings, the foundation visited each of these countries to meet with its local partners. This provided an opportunity to reflect on the collaboration in 2024 and discuss the challenges and perspectives for 2025.

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The meetings took place on the following dates: January 31, 2025, in Côte d'Ivoire (Abidjan) with more than one hundred partners, February 4, 2025, in Togo (Lomé) with around sixty guests, February 6, 2025, in Benin (Cotonou) with over one hundred participants, and February 24, 2025, in Guinea (Conakry) with about thirty guests.

The main topics of the respective presentations were:

Topic 1: “Elections and Human Rights,” addressed in both Côte d'Ivoire and Guinea, as both countries have elections planned for 2025. In Côte d'Ivoire, the topic was presented by Madame Namizata SANGARE, President of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH-CI). In Guinea, Dr. Michel Jeanette TOLNO, Professor at the University of Sonfonia, spoke on the topic.

Topic 2: “Security and Regional Cooperation: Challenges and Perspectives in the ECOWAS Area,” presented in Togo by Prof. Kokou Folly L. HETCHELI, a political sociologist.

Topic 3: “Public Governance and Citizen Participation,” presented by Madame Célestine ZANOU, an expert in public governance, who addressed the participants in Benin.

The goal of these meetings was to strengthen the relationships between KAS PDWA and its partners, to provide partners with an opportunity to expand their networks and share perspectives for 2025 and to identify key issues and challenges in each country.

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O. Kevin Anvo

Portrait Kevin Anvo

Program Officer External Relations and Regional Scholarship PDWA +225 27 22 48 1800


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