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Political Parties in the Arab World

Current Situation and Future Prospects

Ziel der Konferenz ist es, die jordanische Reforminitiative operativ zu begleiten und konkrete Ansätze zur demokratischen Strukturierung der arabischen Parteien, insbesondere der jordanischen zu entwickeln.

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First Day

Opening Session


Welcoming Speech by Al-Quds Center for Political Studies/QCPS

Welcoming Speech by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung KAS

Speech by His Excellency, the Prime Minister, Mr. Faisal Al-Fayez

First Session


The Role of the Political Parties in the Reform Process and the Democratic Transformation in the Arab World

Paper presented by His Excellency Mr. Mohammad Daoudiyeh, Minister of Political Development

The Effect of Legislations on Political Parties Development - Analytical Review of the Law of Political Parties in Jordan.

Paper presented by His Excellency Mr. Taher Hekmat, Ex-Minister of Justice, Ex-Member of the Upper House, Ex-Chief of the Supreme Court.

Second Session


The Impact of Political Environment on the Development of Arabic Political Parties.

Paper Presented by His Excellency Mr. Taher Masry, Ex-Prime Minister.

The Impact of Socio-Cultural Environment on the Development of Arabic Political Parties.

Paper presented by Her Excellency Mrs. Asma Khader, State Minister and the Government Spokeswoman.

Third Session


The crisis of Democracy in the Structure and Thinking of Arab Political Parties.

Paper presented by Musa Al-Ma’aytah, Secretary General of the Left Democratic Party.

Towards an Effective Political Partisan System in Jordan - The Need for Developing Major Political Trends.

Paper presented by Musa Braizat, Jordanian Institute of Diplomacy, Ex-Ambassador.

Fourth Session


Islamic Movement and Democratization - Jordan as a Case study

Paper presented by His Excellency Dr. Abdulateef Arabiyyat, Chief of Al-Shura Council, Ex-Speaker of the House, Ex-Secretary General of the Islamic Action Front Party.

Second Day

First Session


Political Islam, Challenges of Reforms and Authority Negotiations - Morocco as a Case Study.

Paper presented by Mr. Sa`d AlDeen Al-Othmaney, Secretary General of the Justice and Development Party-Morocco.

Second Session


The Role of Political Parties in Democratisation Processes - Turkey as a Case Study.

Paper Presented by His Excellency Dr. Mehmet Aydın, State Minister, Justice and Development Party-Turkey.

Third Session


Reforms and Democracy Under a Religious Political System - Iran as a Case Study.Paper Presented byDr. Rida Youssian''. Rida Youssian''Rida Youssian''da Youssian'' Youssian''oussian''ssian''ian''n''', Member of Parliament, and a Leading Member in the Iranian Participation Party.

Fourth Session


Political Parties and Democracy - Recommendations

Fifth Session


Conclusions and Recommendations.

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Dr. Canan Atilgan

Dr. Canan Atilgan

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