As part of the opening ceremony H.E. Petra Drexler, Ambassador of FR Germany, Mr. Goran Sadikarijo, Executive Director of the Holocaust Fund of the Jews of Macedonia and Mr. Daniel Braun, Official Representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation gave their welcoming remarks.
The film depicts the meeting of the leading representatives of the Nazi regime from the SS, the Reich Chancellery, the police and the administration on the morning of January 20, 1942. in a villa on Lake Wannsee near Berlin. The only topic on the agenda that morning was what the Nazis called the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question": the organization of the systematic mass murder of millions of Jews across Europe. The film gives the viewer an insight into the shocking "normality" displayed during the meeting as procedures, organization and coordination, and responsibilities for the killing of millions of people are discussed as if it were an everyday administrative act.
The event was held as part of the commemoration of the tragic events of November 8 and 9, 1938. when an act of mass persecution of Jews known as Kristallnacht or Night of Broken Glass took place throughout Germany and parts of Austria.Temas
Proporcionado por
Foundation Office North Macedonia
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La Fundación Konrad Adenauer, sus talleres de formación, centros de formación y oficinas en el extranjero ofrecen anualmente miles de eventos sobre temas cambiantes. Le informamos en acerca de una selección de conferencias, eventos, simposios etc. , de forma actual y exclusiva. Aquí, usted encuentra, además de un resumen en cuanto al contenido, materiales adicionales como imágenes, manuscritos de diálogos, vídeos o grabaciones de audio.
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