Out of all the contributions varying in media from print and television to radio, three stories stood out for the jury members. These stories are:
- Ms. Maryagatha Gichana from the Daily Nation, Kenya for “Sterilised Without My Consent - Tales of HIV Positive Women”
- Mr. Kwaku Krobea Asante and Ms. Adwoa Adobea-Owusu from the Fourth Estate, Ghana for "Dangerous endorsements: Exposé on herbal medicine advertising in Ghana"
- Ms. Grace Obike from The Nation, Nigeria for "Abuja communities where girls’ breasts are suppressed to save them from rape”
Two submissions were identified for a commendation by the jury. These are;
- Ms. Cynthia Gichiri from Africa Unsencored, kenya for "Pressed Freedom" and
- Mr. Fadhel Alou from Radio Fara'a, Niger for "Gaya Niger Trafic Drogue et Insecurité"
The jury members were;
- Prof. Nancy Booker, Dean of the Graduate School of Media and Communications at the Aga Khan University, Nairobi, Kenya
- Mr. Simon Allison, Co-Founder and International Editor of The Continent, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Ms. Nwabisa Makunga, Editor of The Sowetan, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Ms. Mamadiarra Diop, Founder of BMC Médias Consulting, Bamako, Mali
- Ms. Sandra Niemann, Editor, Science Programmes, Multimedia, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB), Berlin, Germany
À propos de cette collection
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