Séminaire en ligne
The last discussion in our series of events will adress the dissent between european centre versus periphery. While multiple countries of the centre stand in favor of further integration in the european union, the majority of smaller countries in the periphery emphasize on the continued importance of the nation-state. Which level of federalism benefits the most member states and how could a continued expansion of EU responsibilities in areas of national policy look like? How can tensions between national governments be resolved satisfactory, while creating distinct opposition to authoritarian developments at the same time?
Information on the whole Series of Events:
What does it even mean to be European? To identify as and feel like a European? Many young people and university students, who grew up only knowing the European Union, would answer this questions differently than older generations. That is why we would like to invite young people from all over Central Europe to discuss those important topics with us and learn about their perspectives.
The construct of european identity is neither written down nor set in stone. It also includes cleavages and lines of conflict. Many countries have joined the european community since the signing of the Maastricht treaty 30 years ago. The union did benefit from this diversity, but it also opened up room for potential sources of conflict.
The events will be held in english.