Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation together with Policy Management and Consulting Group (PMCG) is launching the third phase of the project "Policy Research for Sustainable Growth", which aims at encouraging young researchers in Georgia to develop useful policy research papers on important economic and energy/environment policy issues.
In the framework of this program, the organizers are pleased to announce a competition for the post-graduate research fellows from higher education and other institutions in Georgia for elaborating research papers on the following topics:
1. Analysis of Georgia's Education Export:
The policy paper should provide analysis of current policies and regulations in Georgia's Higher Education system that stimulates/promotes or hinders the attraction of international students and elaborate research based recommendations for the government of Georgia to contribute to the further utilization of education exports potential and its sustainability.
Researcher should analyze comparative advantage of Georgia in realization of international education export potential in the following possible target countries: Black Sea- and Caucasus-Countries, some of the -stan countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan), researcher is welcome to expand his/her analysis to other countries as well (Iran, Pakistan, India and the Arabic countries as their academic study programs are weak in many fields). Researcher is expected to assess economic impact of international students, analyze what are the requirements and application process for international applicants, what are the binding obstacles for both degree and non-degree programs (Study Abroad, Summer University, Summer Camp, Exchange Program, etc.) to attract international students, etc. The policy paper should identify existing international programs in Georgia and discuss opportunities and challenges within existing policy environment and suggest the concrete actions for improvement.
2. Analysis of Georgia-Armenia Trade
The policy paper should provide economic analysis of Georgia-Armenia trade potential and the possible risks due to Armenia's membership in the Eurasia Custom Union (EACU). Researcher should analyze recent (2009-2015) trade dynamics and the most traded goods (HS 6 digit level) between Georgia and Armenia, assess the expected economic loss due to the common external tariff regime (CET) in EACU and provide recommendations how to mitigate negative impacts. The study should answer the questions about what changed in Armenia after joining Eurasia Custom Union, especially in terms of non-tariff barriers (stricter inspection regime on borders), what are the EACU requirements that have been already adopted in Armenia, what are the future action plan and how all these affect Georgia, what might be the best trade regime between Georgia and Armenia, what are the best solutions for neighbor countries cooperation having joined two different economic unions. Can the free trade regime signed between Armenia and Georgia further maintained.
3. Georgia-Turkey Trade Relations - Challenges and Opportunities
The policy paper should provide economic analysis of Georgia-Turkey trade potential with the emphasis on Georgia's export opportunities and challenges on the basis of bilateral Free trade Agreement. Researcher should analyze recent (2009-2015) trade dynamics and the most traded goods (HS 6 digit level) between Georgia and Turkey. Policy paper should identify the possible technical and non-technical barriers for Georgia's export to Turkey and provide recommendations to overcome them. Also, the study should analyze Turkish import flows from other markets and provide recommendations on new export opportunities for Georgian products.
4. Economic Analysis of the Challenges and Opportunities for Approximation of Georgia's Legislation to the EU Directive on Roadworthiness Tests for Motor Vehicles and their Trailers
The objective of the research is to study the concept of compulsory measures of EU directive 2009/40/EC on roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers and identify the gaps in the Georgian legislation. The paper should cover the analysis of the best practices of directive implementation in the new EU member states. Also, the policy paper should identify challenges and opportunities related to the process of approximation and provide recommendations for the smooth (stage by stage) implementation of the approximated legislation.
5. Assessment of the Challenges and Opportunities for Renewable Energy Directive Transposition
The policy paper should provide the analysis of the concept of compulsory measures of EU Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC) with special implication on the article 13 (administrative procedures, regulations and codes) and article 16 (access to and operation of the grid) and to identify the gaps in the Georgian legislation on Energy in terms of conformity to these articles of the EU Directive 2009/28/EC. The paper should cover the analysis of the best practices of Renewable energy directive implementation in the European Energy Community member states. Hence, the research paper should analyse expected measures which has to be implemented in order to fulfil the requirements of the RE Directive in the process of transposition and based on the research, the policy paper should identify what kind of challenges and opportunities will policy makers face while transposing the Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC) into Georgia's legislation and provide the recommendations to overcoming the barriers.
6. Analysis of the Challenges and Opportunities of the Energy Transit from Iran through Georgia to the West Market and Assessment of the Geopolitical Aspects and Risks
The policy paper should provide economic analysis of the challenges and opportunities of the energy import from Iran and its transit through Georgia to the western markets; Researcher should assess the current regional geopolitical aspects and risks. In addition, the paper should analyse the impact on the Georgian market and cooperation with other neighbour countries. Paper should identify the expected benefits, what kind of barriers might be faced and provide the recommendation for the policy makers.
7. Assessment of the readiness gaps and barriers for the Georgia's INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions) implementation process
The policy paper should provide a feasibility study of climate change mitigation policies and measures by assessing the institutional barriers, gaps and opportunities in synergizing mitigation actions under umbrella of Association Agreement (Chap. 2 Article 298; Chap.4 Article 308,310) and other relevant fields. The paper should also provide the recommendations with regards to the INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions) action plan development. Concluding the research paper based on the study findings should develop the roadmap for the INDC action plan by identifying measures needed to fill the existing gaps and potential responsible entities.
Interested candidates should present:
1. 2-page research abstract with as clearly formulated research structure.
2. Detailed CV
The documents should be submitted by email to Ms. Tamar Jugeli t.jugheli@pmcg.ge latest by 1 March 2016
Selection Timeframe:
The evaluation process will take place in the following steps:
- 1 March 2016: Deadline to submit the abstracts
- 11 March 2016: Final decision of the Scientific Board
- 3 April 2016: Start of approved research.
The research paper preparation and presentation will be compensated with Euro 1200 honorarium (gross).
For further information, please contact:
Ms. Tamar Jugheli
Policy Management and Consulting Group
57 Uznadze street, 4th floor
Tbilisi 0102, Georgia
Tel: 0099532 296 69 85; 0099532 2921171