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Aspiring Young Entrepreneurs: SME(s) in Agribusiness

Empowering the next generation of agricultural innovators

The second edition of the annual SME in Agribusiness Conference was a one-day event designed to promote a dynamic exchange of ideas and expertise in the agribusiness sector. The conference aimed to empower young people by reducing the stigma surrounding agribusiness and providing practical insights into business practices. It addressed common challenges faced by agripreneurs and offered innovative solutions for participants to apply in the industry.

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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), Ghana, in collaboration with the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (NEIP) and the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), hosted the second edition of the annual "SME in Agribusiness Event" in Kumasi on 27th September 2024.

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) play a critical role in driving Ghana's economic growth, especially in sectors such as agribusiness. This conference aimed to destigmatise the negative stigma associated with agriculture and empower young people to pursue careers in agribusiness.

The event successfully brought together experts, academics and participants from the agricultural sector, as well as students and aspiring agripreneurs. Through interactive presentations and open discussions, the conference provided a platform for networking, mentoring and collaboration, helping aspiring agripreneurs gain the skills and support they need to grow their businesses. Another key aspect of the conference was to promote innovation and technology adaptation among SMEs to enhance productivity and competitiveness and ensure sustainable growth in the agribusiness sector.

At KAS we recognise the importance of cross-border exchange. As politics and business become increasingly intertwined, we want to expand our support to promote sustainable economic growth. Our conference was an excellent opportunity to make a meaningful impact by providing the youth with essential knowledge and expertise - one of our guiding principles - to enable them to take confident steps towards a successful entrepreneurial journey. We look forward to future successful editions of this event.

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persoane de contact

Anna Wasserfall

Anna Wasserfall bild

Leiterin Auslandsbüro Ghana

anna.wasserfall@kas.de +233 302 7686 29
persoane de contact

Lawrencia A. Pomaa

Lawrencia Pomaa


lawrencia.pomaa@kas.de +233 302 768629


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