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Political Parties Shape Democracy

Political Parties Shape Democracy - held by Dr Wilhelm Hofmeister

Standalone 2-day workshops in Apia and Suva

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Samoa (post-Cotonou) Partnership Agreement

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Australia) had the pleasure to witness as an observer the Samoa (post-Cotonou) Agreement signing ceremony held on 15 November in Apia.

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9th KAS Australia-Europe Counter-Terrorism Dialogue

KAS Australia and the Pacific, in cooperation with the KAS offices in Brussels and Berlin, was pleased to be holding its 9th KAS Australia-Europe CT Dialogue in October this year.

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“Fiji needs to re-learn what is normal”

Study Tour Fiji Post Election

Following the general elections held in Fiji in Dec 2022, KAS (Australia) in cooperation with the Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) has organised a study tour.

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Australasian Aid Conference 2022

KAS Australia has proudly supported the Australasian Aid Conference organised by the ANU’s Centre for Development Policy. The Conference has become an integral part of the Australia...

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Parlamentswahlen in Australien

Thunder in Down Under

Ein "Wirbelsturm" fegt durch die australische Parteienlandschaft und sorgt für eine erwartbare Niederlage von PM Morrison und der Liberal Party .

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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is one of the political foundations of the Federal Republic of Germany. With its international activities and projects, the KAS makes a substantial contribution to international cooperation and understanding. It is named after the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer.

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