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Imago / ZUMA Press Wire

Nairobi: Storming of the Parliament

The Republic of Kenya in Turmoil

The protests against the planned tax increases in Kenya escalated on Tuesday when demonstrators stormed the parliament in Nairobi. Among other things, the governor's office was set on fire and numerous politicians had to be evacuated. The riots have already resulted in several deaths.

Adobe Stock / bluebeat76 / Generiert mit KI

France ahead of the parliamentary elections

Nail-biter for Macron, France and Europe

The resounding victory of the Rassemblement National in the European elections on 9 July and the fact that the governing Renaissance party only received half as many votes as the right-wing populists led President Emmanuel Macron to the decision to dissolve the National Assembly on the evening of the election and announce new elections to be held on 30 June and 7 July. The parties had until 16 June just one week, to draw up their electoral lists and form possible electoral alliances. The early parliamentary elections, which will be held in two rounds, will be a nail biter for Macron, who is playing high stakes and gambling with his own political fate. France is in danger of reaching an impasse for the next legislative period. The scenario of cohabitation seems very realistic in view of current poll results. Europe would then be faced with a right-wing populist prime minister in one of the founding states of the EU. The Franco-German engine would stutter even more.

Child poverty: causes, effects, ways out

Securing children against poverty

Child poverty is parental poverty. Around 2.9 million children and young people under the age of 18 in Germany live in families that are at risk of poverty. The Federal Minister for Family Affairs wants to lift low-income families out of poverty with a basic child protection program, which provides for a reform of social transfers. How young parents who are able to work can be supported to integrate into the labour market is not the subject of basic child support. The study analyses the causes of poverty risks for children and presents possible solutions for the reduction of child poverty.

IMAGO / Andreas Stroh

In Search of the Least Evil

The ÖVP between the European and National Council Elections

Around 6.4 million Austrians are among the 3.6 billion people worldwide who will be able to vote in the super election year of 2024, most of whom will be going to the ballot box several times – or have already done so. The focus of attention will be on the National Council election on September 29, which follows the recent European elections by a considerable margin. There are also state elections in Vorarlberg and Styria. Since June 9, the motto "after the election is before the election" has applied to federal politics, as for most of the Austrian parties, the European elections were merely a "preliminary skirmish", conducted with little enthusiasm, for the much more decisive election in the fall from an Austrian perspective. Nevertheless, the results of the European elections, which were surprising in many respects, could well have set the course for the National Council elections in the fall.


Presidential Elections 2024 in Mauritania

A pillar of hope in the Sahel region

Presidential elections are due to be held in Mauritania on June 29, 2024. Despite general expecta-tions that the incumbent President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani will be re-elected, political tension remains, including for partners in Europe. This is because Mauritania has gained in importance for the EU in recent years in the Sahel region, which is experiencing coups. The European Union has concluded security and migration cooperation agreements with the only democratically elected government in the Sahel region. The desert state therefore plays an important role as a connecting country between the countries of the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa.

Adobe Stock / Elle Arden / Generiert mit KI

A qualitative analysis of the political mood in Germany

Disappointment, frustration and resignation

The political climate in autumn 2023 is characterized by profound uncertainty and dissatisfaction. This study paints a picture of the mood in German society. It analyzes the political climate, attitudes to key political issues, the image of the parties, voting motives, the role of the AfD and draws conclusions for the future. In particular, it examines the question of what this mood means for democracy in Germany and to what extent it is linked to the rise of the AfD.

IMAGO / NurPhoto

GERB wins again in sixth parliamentary election in a row and is also victorious in the European elections

A country in search of political stability

On 9 June, parliamentary elections were held in Bulgaria for the sixth time in just over two years to coincide with the European elections, because GERB-SDS and PP-DB were unable to agree in March to continue their cooperation in the government by changing the prime minister after nine months. The incumbent Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov of PP-DB was to be replaced by Maria Gabriel of GERB, but this did not materialise due to internal contradictions within PP-DB.

Adobe Stocke / Wojciech Wrzesień

Critical Junctures – The Future of the North

Latest development in the Baltic Sea Region

The accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO brings new strategic implications and defense opportunities for the Baltic Sea region. At the same time, it poses additional challenges for the alliance in light of Russian ambitions in the region. As NATO develops agile defense strategies, cooperation between the Baltic and Nordic states becomes even more crucial.

IMAGO / ZUMA Press Wire

European elections in Spain and Portugal

Spanische PP gewinnt mit größtem Vorsprung zur PSOE seit 1999 – In Portugal stagnieren Sozialisten und Liberalkonservative, Rechtspopulisten und Liberale gewinnen erstmals Mandate

In Spain, the PP won against the PSOE by the clearest margin since 1999, by 4% and a lead of around 700,000 votes. Alberto Núñez Feijóo (PP) thus doubled his relative lead over Pedro Sánchez (PSOE) compared to the national elections on 23 July 2023, when he was only ahead by around 350,000 votes. The PP won the European elections in direct comparison in all Spanish provinces against the PSOE, except in the Basque Country, Navarre, Catalonia and the Canary Islands. Thanks to its shift to the left, the PSOE absorbed some of the voters of the regionalists and the far-left parties Podemos and Sumar. In Portugal, on the other hand, Aliança Democrática (PSD and CDS-PP), which has formed a minority government led by Prime Minister Luís Montenegro at national level since April, lost very narrowly to Pedro Nuno Santos' Socialists. Although he was able to make slight gains, Montenegro was therefore unable to make significant gains in just a few weeks since taking office. Despite 300,000 additional votes, the PSD and CDS-PP stagnated at seven seats. However, the Socialists also lost one mandate and ended up with eight seats. As a result, they also lost favour with voters. The transfer of votes goes to the new parties. Only the right-wing populist Chega and the Liberal Initiative grew, both entering the European Parliament for the first time and gaining two seats each.


Austausch mit dem Ministerpräsidenten von Montenegro

Milojko Spajić in der Zentrale der KAS

Montenegro ist von allen Beitrittskandidaten am weitesten fortgeschritten im EU-Integrationsprozess. Gerade in den letzten Monaten wurden viele Reformanstrengungen unternommen. So war es uns eine besondere Freude, den Ministerpräsidenten von Montenegro, Milojko Spajić, am 13. Juni 2024 in der Zentrale der KAS zu einem politischen Gespräch zu empfangen.

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Facts and Findings

Selected contributions to the series with international relevance

The series informs in a concentrated form about important positions of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on current topics. The individual issues present key findings and recommendations, offer brief analyses, explain the Foundation's further plans and name KAS contact persons.


International Reports

Journal for international issues, foreign policy and development cooperation

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

Die Politische Meinung

Zeitschrift für Politik, Gesellschaft, Religion und Kultur

Die Politische Meinung ist eine Zweimonatszeitschrift, in der ein breites Spektrum politischer, gesellschaftlicher und kultureller Themen der Gegenwart dargestellt und diskutiert werden. Sie bietet als Bezugspunkte fundierte Analysen historischer Hintergründe und eine der individuellen Eigenverantwortung verpflichtete, im christlichen Menschenbild verankerte Ethik. Die jeweiligen Themenschwerpunkte werden von einer inspirierenden Bilderstrecke, namhafter zeitgenössischer Künstlerinnen und Künstlern, vertieft.


Research and Sources on Contemporary History

In der Reihe „Forschungen und Quellen zur Zeitgeschichte“ veröffentlicht das Archiv für Christlich-Demokratische Politik seit 1980 wissenschaftliche Studien zur Christlichen Demokratie, Darstellungen zur Geschichte der Bundesrepublik und der CDU sowie Biographien wichtiger Repräsentanten. Zu den 50 bisher erschienen Büchern zählen auch Quelleneditionen, wie Protokolle von Parteigremien oder Tagebücher von einflussreichen Politikern. Die Publikationen sind im Buchhandel erhältlich.


In our series "Interviews", talks and discussions are held with experts from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. on various topics.


Concise, reduced to the essentials, but always highly topical. In our series "kurzum", our experts summarise an issue or problem on a maximum of two pages.

Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.


The Monitor series deals with one main topic at a time from the perspective of KAS experts and places it in the political and social context on the basis of a few key points.

Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

Handouts for Political Education

Grundlageninformationen zur Beteiligung
an aktuellen politischen Diskussionen

Mit der Reihe „Handreichungen zur Politischen Bildung“ möchte die Politische Bildung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger über politische Entwicklungen informieren, Orientierungen in Sachfragen geben und das Interesse an politischer Mitwirkung stärken. Die Handreichungen verstehen sich als Grundlageninformationen zur Beteiligung an aktuellen politischen Diskussionen.

— 10 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 10 of 12 results.

Asset Publisher

Completed publication series

Working Paper

Broschürenreihe mit Darstellungen und Positionen, die kurzfristig auf aktuelle politische Fragen reagieren

The Woman in Our Time

Lebensentwürfe von Frauen –
was hat sich verändert?

Jede Ausgabe widmete sich einem Schwerpunktthema aus Politik und Gesellschaft, der Arbeits- und Familienwelt, aus Kultur und Literatur und diskutierte dieses aus frauenpolitischer Sicht.


Berichte aus der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Die Herausgabe der "Einblicke" ist ausgesetzt. "Einblicke" hat alle drei Monate über die Arbeit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung berichtet.


Publikationen des Teams Politikdialog und Analyse der Hauptabteilung Europäische und Internationale Zusammenarbeit.

Sociopolitical Series

Veröffentlicht wurden herausragende Dissertationsschriften mit gesellschaftspolitisch relevanten Themen von Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten der Begabtenförderung und Personen, die ihrem Promotionskolleg „Soziale Marktwirtschaft“ kooptiert sind.

Die Reihe gab den Autorinnen und Autoren ein wissenschaftliches und publizistisches Forum und brachte aktuelle Themen in die öffentliche Diskussion ein.

Basic Questions of Christian Democracy

In dieser Reihe erschienen im Jahr 2006 Texte namenhafter Autoren zu Grundfragen der christlichen Demokratie.

In Conversation

Kulturpolitische Umschau

Zeitschrift mit Berichten aus Bundestag und Bundesländern, Gastbeiträgen, Rezensionen und Presseauswertungen zur aktuellen Kulturpolitik.

In Plenary

Broschürenreihe der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung mit den Beiträgen von Konferenzen, Fachtagungen und Kongressen, die von längerfristigem Interesse sind.

In Plenary Compact

Die Broschüren im DIN-A-4-Format fassen kurz und knapp die Ergebnisse von Konferenzen, Fachtagungen und Kongressen zusammen, die von längerfristigem Interesse sind.

KAS International

Information from the Division of European and International Cooperation

This series informs about current important events and developments of our work to point out our wide spectrum of activities.

— 10 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 10 of 14 results.