Three years of full-scale war with Russia
How can France strengthen its support for Ukraine in the field of security and European integration?
2025 marks the third year of Russian full-scale war in Ukraine and of Ukraine becoming an EU candidate country. Despite heavy human toll and damage to its physical infrastructure and the economy, Ukraine continues its reform path towards European Union integration showing unmatched political will and societal resilience with awaited opening of chapter negotiations in May 2025. While the current political leadership of the United States adds instability to the future of security guarantees for Ukraine and European defence architecture, current international partners’ support for Ukraine and civil society initiatives make an essential contribution to Ukraine's comprehensive reforms on the way to EU membership and reconstruction. In this context, the Professional Government Association (PGA) of Ukraine and the French think tank Euro Creative find it crucial to continue mobilising public support for Ukraine in France and improve the quality of discussion on progress and prospects of stepping up the French support to Ukraine’s defence capabilities and European integration efforts. For France, supporting Ukraine represents both a duty and an opportunity to advance its strategic leadership for a more secure, stronger and prosperous Europe. For Ukraine, having predictability and clarity on the type and scope of French commitment is critical for its efforts in defending its statehood and protecting European democracies against Russia, as well as for progress on reforms for EU membership.
1945-2025 - 80e anniversaire de la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et du retour de la paix
Colloque international avec CY Cergy Paris Université
1945-2025. War and Post-War(s). Contemporary Perspectives on the post WWII World
International Conference Series: Berlin – Paris – New York
The year 2025 will mark the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II. The brutal destruction of entire states, the tragedy of death, the wounds of survivors and, most importantly, the knowledge of the civilizational breakdown represented by the Holocaust and the Nazi ideology of extermination, have profoundly shaped our world. The complex heritage of WWII and its aftermath is reflected in current crises and conflicts; these conflicts, in turn, alter our historical perspective on the end of the Second World War. The 80th anniversary comes at a critical juncture. We are facing the end of the post-Cold War world order, which marks the end of the liberal and Western vision of the future. The promise of a new – and more just – world seems to have vanished for many generations, while wars and conflicts are at the forefront of our minds, often mobilizing military personnel and economic resources in the West.
Si la Russie gagne…
Un débat avec Carlo Masala, Professeur de l’Université de la Bundeswehr à Munich, autour de la publication de son livre
Construire une vision stratégique franco-allemande
Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen des Paris Defence and Strategy Forum 2025
Le jumelage, hier, aujourd'hui et demain
Conférence à l'occasion de l'anniversaire du Traité de l'Elysée
Cross-Perspectives from France, Germany and Europe: What Future for the Sahel?
Webinar III: What role for Europe in the 2040 Sahel?
Cross-Perspectives from France, Germany and Europe: What Future for the Sahel?
Webinar II: The rise of new actors in the Sahel: what implications for Europe?
Brussels World Simulation 2024
Dieses Serious Game zu internationalen Verhandlungen bietet Masterstudierenden eine realistische Möglichkeit, in die europäischen Entscheidungsfindungen einzutauchen. Das Auslandsbüro Frankreich freut sich sehr darüber erneut als Partner dabei sein zu dürfen und so den demokratischen Dialog in Europa zu formen und fördern. Die „Brussels' World Simulation“ simuliert eine Entscheidungssequenz der EU unter Berücksichtigung aller an den europäischen Verhandlungen beteiligten Parteien, d.h. sowohl der legislativen Akteure des „institutionellen Dreiecks“ (Kommission, Parlament, Rat) als auch der nichtlegislativen Akteure (NGOs, Lobbys, Think Tanks, Medien). Durch dieses Eintauchen in die Welt der europäischen Verhandlungen erhalten alle „Spieler“ einen panoptischen und zugleich sehr konkreten Einblick in die Herstellung des europäischen Kompromisses.