


Reflexionen der NATO zur südlichen Nachbarschaft

In ihrem 75. Jubiläumsjahr bereitet sich die NATO auf ihren nächsten Gipfel im Juli in Washington D.C. vor, wo die Staats- und Regierungschefs aller 32 Bündnisstaaten sowie eine voraussichtlich große Anzahl von Würdenträgern aus Partnerländern zusammenkommen werden. Der russische Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine wird erwartbar eine zentrale Stellung auf der Tagesordnung einnehmen. Darüber hinaus werden auch andere wichtige Themen behandelt: Beim letzten Gipfel in Vilnius im Sommer 2023 leiteten die NATO-Mitgliedsstaaten einen umfassenden Reflexionsprozess über die Beziehung des Bündnisses zur „Südlichen Nachbarschaft“ ein. Dieser Reflexionsprozess zielt darauf ab, konkrete Vorschläge rechtzeitig für den bevorstehenden Gipfel zu erarbeiten. Der Prozess beinhaltet unter anderem einen externen Expertenbericht, der Teil eines größeren internen Reflexionsprozesses ist.

Democracy and Climate Change: Lessons Learned from 3 “Flawed Democracies’’

India, Indonesia, and South Africa

What are the challenges in flawed democracies, and what approaches work? What are the practical lessons for climate actors in these and similar countries? A study for the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the European Network of Political Foundations.

Zwischen Anspruch und Realität: Europäische Diplomatie gegenüber dem Indo-Pazifik

Ministertreffen von EU-ASEAN und EU-Indo-Pazifik-Forum in Brüssel

Während die Öffentlichkeit gebannt auf den EU-Sondergipfel am 1. Februar blickte, fanden nahezu zeitgleich wichtige Treffen zwischen Vertretern des Indo-Pazifik und der EU statt: Nach einem „Pazifik-Tag“ im Europäischen Parlament trafen sich am Vormittag des 2. Februar im Rahmen des Ministertreffens des EU-Indo-Pazifik-Forums Vertreter der 27 EU-Staaten mit ihren Kollegen aus der Region. Etwa 70 Delegationen von der östlichen und südlichen Küste Afrikas über die arabische Halbinsel und Asien bis hin zu den Inselstaaten des Pazifischen Ozeans nahmen an den Verhandlungen teil.

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„Global Gateway“ nimmt langsam Fahrt auf

Beim Global Gateway Forum am 25. und 26. Oktober in Brüssel kamen hochrangige Vertreter aus über 40 Ländern zusammen.

Das Treffen gab der EU die Gelegenheit, öffentlichkeitswirksam für die Ende 2021 ins Leben gerufene Infrastrukturstrategie „Global Gateway“ zu werben und konkrete Abschlüsse von Projekten zu verkünden.

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Japan’s new national security strategy: a platform for further cooperation with the EU?

By Alessandro De Cicco

In this study, Alessandro De Cicco pinpoints the main policy changes in the security architecture of Japan, a pacifist nation which constitutionally renounces war. But as Japan’s recently-adopted strategy testifies, the international community is facing challenges “defining an era”. This policy paper draws conclusions on the topical relevance of the EU-Japan partnership in the security field.

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Adaptation and Mitigation Financing Solutions

By Jayant Sinha & Vedant Monger

The GCA Collaborative is an independent research effort to evaluate how Global South countries can best ally with Global North countries to accelerate climate action. Over the past two years, several academic institutions and think tanks have been collaborating on these issues and pooling their individual research efforts. The first version of this GCA handbook was launched at COP'27. With revisions and updates, the second version was released during the Think20 Inception Conference. The white paper series details the theoretical and empirical work behind the handbooks.

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Driving Transformational Pathways

By Vedant Monger

The GCA Collaborative is an independent research effort to evaluate how Global South countries can best ally with Global North countries to accelerate climate action. Over the past two years, several academic institutions and think tanks have been collaborating on these issues and pooling their individual research efforts. The first version of this GCA handbook was launched at COP'27. With revisions and updates, the second version was released during the Think20 Inception Conference. The white paper series details the theoretical and empirical work behind the handbooks.

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Foundational Structures of The GCA: Membership, Incentives, and Institutions

By Karin Jancykova, Ritika Jajoo, and Vedant Monger

The GCA Collaborative is an independent research effort to evaluate how Global South countries can best ally with Global North countries to accelerate climate action. Over the past two years, several academic institutions and think tanks have been collaborating on these issues and pooling their individual research efforts. The first version of this GCA handbook was launched at COP'27. With revisions and updates, the second version was released during the Think20 Inception Conference. The white paper series details the theoretical and empirical work behind the handbooks.

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History of Climate Agreements and the Need for a Global Climate Alliance

By Ritika Jajoo

The GCA Collaborative is an independent research effort to evaluate how Global South countries can best ally with Global North countries to accelerate climate action. Over the past two years, several academic institutions and think tanks have been collaborating on these issues and pooling their individual research efforts. The first version of this GCA handbook was launched at COP'27. With revisions and updates, the second version was released during the Think20 Inception Conference. The white paper series details the theoretical and empirical work behind the handbooks.

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Net Zero Pathways – India Case Study

By Deepthi Swamy, Ulka Kelkar, and Varun Agarwal

The GCA Collaborative is an independent research effort to evaluate how Global South countries can best ally with Global North countries to accelerate climate action. Over the past two years, several academic institutions and think tanks have been collaborating on these issues and pooling their individual research efforts. The first version of this GCA handbook was launched at COP'27. With revisions and updates, the second version was released during the Think20 Inception Conference. The white paper series details the theoretical and empirical work behind the handbooks.