
IOE-KAS Report

UNGA Resolution on the Human Right to a Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment

This paper elaborates on the new expectations from the UNGA resolution, including its legal and practical implications, and offers an outlook on the way forward for employers

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UN Agora Blog Post

On the status of parliamentarism in general and in Germany in particular

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert reflects on the occasion of the International Day of Parliamentarism

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New KAS-Cepei Policy Brief

KAS-Cepei Policy Brief: LAC of Multilateral Leadership?

On 6 June, Cepei and KAS New York launched their latest policy brief examining how the LAC region engages in the multilateral system. The full policy brief is now available.

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A Conversation with Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis

Key Priorities of Greece in View of the Candidature to the UN Security Council 2025-2026

As an elected member of the Security Council for 2025-2026, what issues will Greece prioritize during its tenure, and how will it seek to positively impact the Council?

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Workshop: Beyond the SIDS4 Conference

Partnerships for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure in the Pacific

On 21 May, KAS together with the Permanent Mission of Fiji to the UN and the EU Delegation to the UN convened a workshop on climate-resilient infrastructure.

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UN Agora Blog

Multilateralism in Action: Marking the 76th International Day of UN Peacekeepers

To mark the 76th International Day of UN Peacekeepers, UN Under-Secretary-General Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, shares his perspectives on peacekeeping in our latest UN Agora Blog.

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auf der Homepage der KAS New York! Als deutsche politische Stiftung setzen wir uns international für Frieden, Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit ein. Das Büro in New York konzentriert sich auf die Vereinten Nationen und will zwischen dem weltweiten Partnernetzwerk der Stiftung und den Vereinten Nationen Synergien schaffen.

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Norbert Lammert zu dem 75. Gedenktag der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte

"Menschenrechte sind keine Naturgesetze. [...], sie müssen von Menschen geschützt & verteidigt werden, die den Anspruch auf die Unantastbarkeit der Menschenwürde ernst nehmen".

50 Years of Germany at the UN

Interview with Antje Passenheim

What are the challenges of reporting on the UN and how has its image among the public changed as a result of crises in recent years?

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50 Years of Germany at the UN

Interview with Fidelis Stehle

How can youth be empowered to drive positive change on critical issues affecting their futures? What opportunities are there for youth to influence decision-making at the UN?

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50 Years of Germany at the UN

Interview with Eduard Frauneder

Like political, military, and cultural diplomacy, food can be a powerful tool in international relations. Tune in to learn more about “schnitzel diplomacy.”

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50 Years of Germany at the UN

Interview with Ambassador Taher El-Sonni

Tune in for insights into Germany's milestone achievement in launching the 2020 Berlin Process, which paved the way for a subsequent ceasefire agreement in Libya.

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50 Years of Germany at the UN

Interview with Dr. Christoph Heusgen

How is Germany perceived as an actor of world politics? What are the possibilities and processes to influence as an elected member of the Security Council?

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50 Years of Germany at the UN

Interview with Achim Steiner

What efforts has Germany made to advance the sustainable development agenda? What can other Member States learn from Germany’s leadership in this area?

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50 Years of Germany at the UN

Interview with Ambassador Antje Leendertse

Tune in for insights into Germany’s contributions to the UN system, the current challenges facing the UN, and Germany’s ambitions to shape world politics.

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Looking Ahead to the SDG Summit

Interview with Achim Steiner

Tune in for our discussion with the UNDP Administrator on setbacks and breakthroughs in SDG progress, the critical need for greater financing for sustainable development, and more.

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50 Years of Germany at the UN

Interview with Andrea E. Ostheimer

What role can civil society organizations play in advancing the UN agenda? How can a German political foundation engage with the UN system?

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