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Mekong International Forum 2024

Energy Transition for a Sustainable Mekong Sub-Region

The Mekong International Forum 2024 is expected to: (1) Enhance understanding of the geopolitical and energy landscape in the Mekong Sub-Region (2) Identify of best practices and policy synergies for regional energy transition (3) Strengthen multistakeholder engagement in green energy development (4) Deliver strategic recommendations for technology adoption and policy harmonization


Workshop on International experiences on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing

Co-organized by KAS Vietnam and Department of Criminal and Administrative Legislation, Ministry of Justice

The workshop will explore international experiences in developing and enforcing legal regulations to prevent and combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism. It will focus on enhancing the effectiveness of Vietnam’s Effectiveness Assessment Report and Technical Compliance Report. Specifically, the workshop will address areas where Vietnam currently falls short of Financial Action Task Force standards, particularly those related to the Ministry of Justice’s responsibilities. This includes regulations on money laundering (Recommendation No. 3), criminal penalties for acts related to the financing of terrorism (Recommendation No. 5), criminalization and financial penalties for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (Recommendation No. 7), and issues concerning the criminal liability of legal entities for money laundering and terrorist financing.


Neighborhood Planning and Design Towards Healthy Cities

Toolkit Launching event

The first collaborative project between KAS Vietnam and Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, titled “Health-oriented policies and sustainable building practices to promote well-being and green urban governance in Vietnam (HOPE),” is nearing completion. Initiated in 2022, the project has progressed through three phases, developing comprehensive and cross-cutting knowledge in health-oriented policies and sustainable building practices/green housing in Vietnamese cities. Additionally, both international and Vietnamese trans-disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge have been shared and exchanged. On Thursday, September 19th, final product of this project: The Toolkit for Neighborhood Planning and Design Towards Healthy Cities will be officially presented to relevant audiences.


Training course on preventing and resolving international investment disputes

Co-organized by KAS Vietnam and Department of International Law, Ministry of Justice

The training course "Preventing and resolving international investment disputes according to laws, international commitments of Vietnam and international experiences" is designed to impart comprehensive understanding and expertise in foreign investment legislation, uphold Vietnam’s pledges to international investment, and foster proactive engagement in the resolution of global investment conflicts. It also facilitates the sharing of insights that aid in addressing practical challenges encountered by legal professionals and public servants involved in the legal oversight and administration of foreign investment at the ministry and provincial levels.


Conference "Impact assessment of policies in development of legal normative documents 2024"

Co-organized by KAS Vietnam and Department of General Affairs in Legislative Development, Ministry of Justice


Vietnam 2045 Report: Global Economic Trends and Policy Implications for Vietnam

Conference co-organized by KAS and Vietnam Institute for Development Strategies, Ministry of Planning and Investment

The aim of the conference is to gather key recommendations from both Vietnamese and international experts about the new global challenges and opportunities for Vietnam and appropriate strategies to response.


Innovating and Improving the Efficiency of Law Implementation Organization in the Period 2025-2030

Workshop co-organised by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam and Ministry of Justice


The China Talk 23

The future of world order: a view from China

China Talk 23 aims to facilitate a robust exchange of ideas, insights, and perspectives on the theme “The future of world order: a view from China”. This is a continuation of the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV) China Talk series in collaboration with Konrad – Andenauer – Stiftung (KAS) in Vietnam, which has been bridging the fields of Chinese studies since 2015.



Toward Fast and Sustainable Growth of a People-Centered ASEAN Community

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam eagerly anticipates the inaugural ASEAN Future Forum 2024, scheduled to occur on April 23, 2024, in Ha Noi, Vietnam. The genesis of this Forum was unveiled by Prime Minister, H.E. Pham Minh Chinh, during the 43rd ASEAN Summit in September 2023. The Forum, under the theme “Toward fast and sustainable growth of a people-centered ASEAN Community” will discuss deliberations on the future of ASEAN in both practical and visionary ways in the context of fast, complex developments in the strategic landscapes of the region and the world. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam is proud to lend its support to this groundbreaking initiative, which will draw the participation of esteemed government officials, policymakers, experts, practitioners, and pertinent stakeholders from ASEAN Member States. Additionally, the Forum will welcome ASEAN's external partners and allies, underscoring its inclusive and comprehensive approach. The Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV), in strategic collaboration with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam, assumes a pivotal role as the primary executor of this ASEAN Future Forum.


Roadmap to shorten the process and duration for annual state budget settlement

Workshop co-organized by KAS Vietnam and National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee

The Finance and Budget Committee of the National Assembly is in charge of assessing the Government’s draft report on shortening state budget settlement process. The workshop aims to collect opinions/comments of policy-makers, national experts, and representatives of relevant agencies on the issue of State budget settlement. The workshop input will help the committee to better make a verification report on the budget settlement process to present at the NA sessions.



Exploring New Frontiers of the High and Deep Seas

The 13th Ocean Dialogue, co-organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam and the Bien Dong Institute – Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, was held on 14 November in Can Tho city. This event, part of a series initiated in 2017, has become a key element of KAS – DAV cooperation, offering a unique platform for scholars, diplomats, and scientists to discuss a broad range of ocean and maritime issues. This year’s dialogue, themed “Exploring New Frontiers of the High and Deep Seas” centered on the BBNJ Agreement, also known as the “Treaty of the High Seas”.

The 3rd International Sinology Symposium

Transforming Development Model in the New Period: China and the New World Economic Order

Hanoi, November 28th – Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam, in partnership with the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV), the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), and the Foundation for East Sea Studies (FESS), successfully hosted the third International Sinology Symposium. Themed "Transforming Development Model in the New Period: China and the New World Economic Order" the event brought together nearly 150 participants, including scholars, researchers, China experts, and representatives from various institutions and agencies. Moreover, we were honored to have German Ambassador Helga Margarete Barth in attendance.

E-commerce Trends in the World and Implications for EU-Vietnam Trade

On 17th October, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam in partnership with the Vietnam Institute of Development Strategies (VIDS) under the Ministry of Planning and Investment organized a technical seminar which is a part of the research project “E-commerce Trends in the World and Implications for EU-Vietnam Trade”.

The 16th South China Sea International Conference

Navigating Narratives, Nurturing Norms

The 16th South China Sea International Conference, titled “Navigating Narratives, Nurturing Norms” was successfully held in Ha Long on October 23-24. This annual flagship event, supported by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam, brought together experts and stakeholders to discuss critical issues surrounding the South China Sea. The conference successfully fostered a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives on maritime security and regional cooperation. The emphasis on adhering to widely recognized principles and standards amidst global competition highlighted the conference’s commitment to ensuring international peace and providing a framework for peaceful dispute resolution.

Visit of MP Danny Freymark to Vietnam

MP Danny Freymark, Deputy Chairman of the CDU Parliamentary Group in the Berlin State Parliament, visited Hanoi, Vietnam from October 21 to October 22, 2024, facilitated by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Vietnam. The visit aimed to build bridges between Berlin and Hanoi through a German-Vietnamese municipal dialogue, strengthening of parliamentary and party ties, and promotion of people-to-people contacts.

Visit of MP Serap Güler to Vietnam

MP Serap Güler, a Member of the German Bundestag and Board Member of CDU, visited Vietnam from October 28 to October 30, 2024. The dialogue program organised by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam aimed at strengthening relations between Vietnam and Germany and fostering political dialogue about topics of mutual concern.


Workshop zur Kursverbreitung

Außen- und Sicherheitsangelegenheiten #KAS4Security sind eine wichtige Säule der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Vietnam. Im Rahmen ihrer vielfältigen Aktivitäten, zu denen auch richtungsweisende Expertenkonferenzen und Seminare gehören, hat die KAS vietnamesische Partner, insbesondere Bildungseinrichtungen, bei der Gestaltung von Lehrplänen und Lehrbüchern in den Bereichen internationale Beziehungen, internationale Politik sowie Außen- und Sicherheitsangelegenheiten unterstützt.

Das EU-Konzept für die Zusammenarbeit im indopazifischen Raum: Von der Strategie zur Praxis

Von der KAS Vietnam und der Universität für Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften gemeinsam organisierter Workshop zur Verbreitung von Forschungsergebnissen

Am 24. September waren wir begeistert, die Ergebnisse unseres dreijährigen Forschungsprojekts mit dem Titel „EU-Ansatz zur Zusammenarbeit im Indopazifik: Von der Strategie zur Praxis“ zu teilen. Diese Zusammenarbeit zwischen der KAS und der Universität für Sozialwissenschaften und Geisteswissenschaften Hanoi hat Vertreter der Europäischen Union in Vietnam, der niederländischen (Königreich der Niederlande in Vietnam) und deutschen (deutsche Botschaft Hanoi) Botschaften sowie zahlreiche Dozenten und Forscher für internationale Beziehungen von Universitäten in ganz Vietnam zusammengebracht.


Energiewende für eine nachhaltige Mekong-Unterregion

Hanoi, 27. September 2024 - Die vierte Ausgabe der Mekong-Forum-Reihe mit dem Thema „Energiewende für eine nachhaltige Mekong-Unterregion“ wurde von der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Außenpolitik und Strategische Studien an der Diplomatischen Akademie Vietnams erfolgreich organisiert. Diese hybride Veranstaltung zog rund 120 Teilnehmer an, darunter nationale Wissenschaftler, Experten aus den Mekong-Ländern und Vertreter diplomatischer Einrichtungen, um die vielfältigen Herausforderungen der Energiewende in der Region zu erörtern. Wir freuen uns auch über die Teilnahme des deutschen Experten Dr. Frederick Kliem vom KAS-Regionalprogramm für Energiesicherheit und Klimawandel im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum (RECAP).


Veranstaltung zur Einführung des Toolkits

Das erste gemeinsame Projekt zwischen der KAS Vietnam und der Universität für Bauwesen Hanoi mit dem Titel „Gesundheitsorientierte Politiken und nachhaltige Baupraktiken zur Förderung des Wohlbefindens und der grünen Stadtverwaltung in Vietnam (HOPE)“ ist abgeschlossen. Das 2022 initiierte Projekt hat drei Phasen durchlaufen und umfassendes und bereichsübergreifendes Wissen in gesundheitsorientierten Politiken und nachhaltigen Baupraktiken/grünem Wohnungsbau in vietnamesischen Städten entwickelt. Darüber hinaus wurden sowohl internationales als auch vietnamesisches transdisziplinäres und interdisziplinäres Wissen geteilt und ausgetauscht. Am Donnerstag, den 19. September, wurde das Endprodukt dieses Projekts, das Toolkit für Nachbarschaftsplanung und -gestaltung für gesunde Städte offiziell den relevanten Zielgruppen, vorgestellt.