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Facts and Findings

Europe’s next steps in successfully shaping the process of digitisation

Time to act – and fast!

Europe has crossed the threshold to the digital age. Today, digitisation pervades all areas of society and has brought about processes of profound change. Future advances in key digital technologies will accelerate these processes of change still more. The positive potentials of the digital transformation of Europe and the world are enormous. If Europe wants to fully exploit the potentials of the emergent digital age and hold its own against international competition, it cannot rest on its laurels. Rather, Europe must actively shape the process of digital transformation, purposefully mobilise its own potentials and determinedly push ahead with the necessary changes. Against this background the following paper presents specific policy recommendations for successfully shaping the process of digitisation.

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If Europe wants to fully exploit the potentials of the emergent digital age and hold its own against international competition, it cannot rest on its laurels.

Europe must actively shape the process of digital transformation, purposefully mobilise existing potentials throughout its territory, and push ahead with necessary changes, including those of a structural kind.

It will be particularly important in that light to further develop the overall European innovation ecosystem, to strengthen Europe’s digital-policy voice at the international level and address the basics necessary for shaping the process of digitisation.

What this means in concrete terms is that Europe’s policies must become more agile, must include the public in the shaping process and must, e.g. in addition to a European agency for digital flagship projects as well as measures for greater security both in and through the process of digitisation, like wise initiate a process for a comprehensive digital framework strategy.

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Sebastian Weise

Sebastian Weise bild

Digital Democracy + 49 30 26996 3732 +49 30 26996 3551
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.
March 15, 2019
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About this series

The series informs in a concentrated form about important positions of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on current topics. The individual issues present key findings and recommendations, offer brief analyses, explain the Foundation's further plans and name KAS contact persons.


Dr. Kristin Wesemann


Head of Strategy and Planning +49 30 26996-3803

Sophie Steybe

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