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Business, Politics, and Society in a Digitalised World


I’m in favour of keeping the network as open as possible.

Vinton Cerf, computer scientist and inventor of the internet protocols TCP/IP

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At a glance

  • The digital transformation has found its way into all areas of life and is present in all policy areas. It is one of the most important drivers of innovation.
  • Data is a central component of digitalisation. Better access to data and the opportunity to develop data-based solutions to problems affords enormous economic potential.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used to analyse data. Among other things, it is able to recognise patterns in large amounts of data or adapt processes to specific situations.
  • Results and models generated by AI-assisted data analyses can support processes or decisions with important information and thus contribute to optimisation.
  • The Konrad Adenauer Foundation sees digitalisation as a cross-cutting issue and is primarily pursuing the goal of strengthening the competitiveness of Germany and Europe.



1. Data policy and ensuring fair global competition

2. Artificial intelligence on the rise

3. Strengthening Germany's competitiveness with the help of digitalisation

4. We also think of digitalisation as a cross-cutting issue

5. Our offers and projects on the topic

6. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Digitalisation is present in all areas of life and thus in all policy fields. It changes the way we communicate with each other, how we glean information and how we work. As one of the most important present-day transformational forces, it has an impact on the economy, society and politics alike.


Data policy and ensuring fair global competition

Data is a central building block of digitalisation. Ensuring better access to data for data-driven solutions is not just a challenge faced by the business world. Similarly, it is important that administration optimises the use of data for greater citizen proximity, efficiency and synergies. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has been focusing on the topic of open data for several years. While our work portfolio also includes topics such as data trustees, data platforms and data protection.

With a view to the global players, ensuring fair competition is of special importance here. At the “European Data Summit”, each year we discuss these issues with international participants from a European perspective.


Artificial intelligence on the rise

Applications of artificial intelligence are increasingly being used to extract added value from existing data. These complex systems can identify patterns in large amounts of data, adjust processes according to the situation or enter into dialogue. This way, they can support processes or decisions with important information. How this is done, depends on the available data, the algorithms in use, and of course, the objectives set by humans in the context of the respective application.

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung closely monitors the rapid development of these technologies, explains fundamental interrelationships, provides analyses from an international perspective, and illustrates both political and ethical implications.


Strengthening Germany's competitiveness with the help of digitalisation

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung pursues the goal of strengthening competitiveness in Germany through digitalisation. It examines the economic and socio-political effects, draws up action recommendations for policy and plays an empowering role with educational opportunities for participation. The focus will be on the European Digital Single Market, data economy, artificial intelligence (AI) and the relationship between regulatory policy and digitalisation.


We think of digitalisation as a cross-cutting issue

Digitalisation is neither a purely technical nor economic issue. It is a cross-cutting issue. That is why the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is also devoted to questions of digital education, the impact on democracy and opinion formation or international politics. Here, we harness our international networks, connect areas of work in the Stiftung and bring together expertise from science, business, society and politics.

Our offers and projects on the topic

Event series

This overview provides you with a selection of relevant event series of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung that deal with aspects of digitalisation.

European Data Summit


With the European Data Summit, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organises its annual international conference on data and competition. At the forefront is the relevance of the topic to regulatory projects implemented by the European Union.


Learn more about the European Data Summit


Selected publication projects

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has already developed and carried out several projects on the topic of digitalisation, a selection of which we would like to present to you. This includes a publication series on data policy issues, quantum computer technology or or larger studies on blockchain and Web3.

Web3 and Blockchain


Digitalisation is progressing continuously: from Web1 to Web2 to Web3. Web1 represented the static internet, while Web2 introduced social networks and interactivity. Web3 has the potential to offer more security, privacy and user autonomy. Web3 is based on blockchain technology, which has enabled innovations such as smart contracts, tokens, cryptocurrencies and digital currencies through decentralised structures. It could also contribute to improved data protection in the development of artificial intelligence and strengthen digital sovereignty. Below you will find basic studies and insights into specific areas of application.


Learn more about Web3 and blockchain technologies

Quantum Computers and their Importance for Society


Quantum computing is a salient future technology that harbours enormous economic and social potential. Against this background, our publications on the topic explain basics, possible applications, social implications and provide recommendations for action.


Learn more about the quantum computing publications

Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights


Our three-part series of articles shows how artificial intelligence (AI) not only increases the work output of an economy, but also affords individuals the opportunity to claim their rights. In two interviews with experts and an interactive web publication, we address the legal issues as well as the design aspect in interactions between humans and machines. We use illustrative examples to show how AI promotes human rights at its current stage of development.


Learn more about artificial intelligence and human rights

Data Protection Law and Data Trust


With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Europe not only demonstrated confidence on the path towards a common digital policy, but also established clear and, above all, uniform rules for handling the data of data subjects. Nevertheless, data protection exhibits a mixed picture with plenty of impulses for debate.

The articles of our publication series, in which we also address the topic of data trust, look in detail at various perspectives and inform you about controversial debates and the current state of developments.


Learn more about the publications on data protection law and data trust

Open Data und Open Government


Data is considered to be an inexhaustible and renewable resource. If data could be used collectively on a large scale, experts deem its economic value as being extremely high. A concept that proposes precisely this kind of data usage is called “open data”. Here it is mainly a matter of opening up electronic information for use by everyone, so that it can be re-used and disseminated. This would not only affect politics, science, administration and business, but also the citizens themselves.

Therefore, “open data” represents a multi-faceted topic, which we approach from different perspectives with our publication contributions on “open data” and “open government”.


Learn more about the open data publications

Competition Policy in the Digital World


Digital platform companies are deemed as the big so-called “gatekeepers” on the digital markets. Above all, Asian and American companies are successful here. The seven most valuable companies worldwide either come from the USA or China. To ensure that Europe does not lose its momentum, it is necessary to look at competition policy issues related to themes such as the data economy or Industry 4.0. After all, safeguarding our social and economic prosperity over the long-term will also largely depend on whether Europe will be able to create the framework conditions that enable it to remain competitive on the international stage.

With our publication project on competition policy in the digital world, we would like to contribute our expertise to this highly topical discussion, and highlight corresponding recommendations for action.


Learn more about the publications on digital competition policy

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Dr. Christian Hübner


Artificial Intelligence +49 30 26996 3264

Dr Pencho Kuzev


Data and the Competition Policy +49 30 26996-3247 +49 30 26996-3551

Tobias Wangermann

Tobias Wangermann bild

Digitalisation +49 30 26996-3380

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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications on this topic

Coverbild Politsnack KI KAS

KI-Assistent vergleicht Wahlprogramme zur Bundestagswahl

Palais des Nations Geneva Flickr/UN Geneva/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Geneva Barometer

Developments among Geneva-based international organisations from September to December 2024

KI und Wahlen Adobe Stock / Artlana; generiert mit KI

AI and Elections: New dynamics of digital democracy in Germany

Opportunities and risks for our democratic order through AI in the super election year 2024

Mehr Handlungsfähigkeit für die öffentliche Verwaltung mit Künstlicher Intelligenz Adobe Stock / Korawan; generiert mit KI 

Greater capacity for action for public administration with artificial intelligence

Strengthening the future viability of the administration through practical AI expertise, simplified regulatory compliance and European AI in critical areas

Vom Ende des Erzählens

Künstliche Intelligenz in der Literatur

Bedrückende Müdigkeit

Endzeitstimmung und Aufbruch in der Wirtschaf

Coverbild Politsnack Wahl KAS

AI and Elections in India: Empowering Ground-Level Politicians

Photomontage of Elon Musk and Donald Trump in front of the European Commission building Johnny Ryan

Creating the Space for Competitive & Resilient Digital Europe

Streamline Enforcement or Risk Prosperity and Safety

WTO Seeseite KAS Genf

Online Tariffs? What the end of the e-commerce moratorium means for digital trade

Das nächtliche Berlin, mit leuchtende Linien, die ein Netzwerk von Datenleitungen andeuten Adobe Stock /Shozib

Tools for ‘smart’ urban development: Urban Digital Twins

Organising Smart City as a platform: realistic digital images of a ‘city section’, for the evaluation and simulation of urban situations or processes

Platzhalter für eine Meinung, die man nicht hat

Warum das KI-generierte Bild „All Eyes on Rafah“ viral gegangen ist

Coverbild Politsnack KI KAS

Revolution oder Risiko?

Wie KI den Wahlkampf verändert und was die Wählerinnen und Wähler nicht wissen.

Zwischen Erlösung und Verdammnis

Ein nüchterner Blick auf die „neue KI-Revolution“

Wer dient hier wem?

Kulturelle Transformationen durch Künstliche Intelligenz

Teilhabetool und mehr

Künstliche Intelligenz als Werkzeug zur Stärkung der Demokratie

Technologiefähige Demokratie

Was KI zu einer effizienten Staats- und Verwaltungsstruktur beitragen kann

Risiko oder Zukunftsmacher?

Künstliche Intelligenz zwischen Deep Fakes und Deep Learning


Über militärische KI-Anwendungen

Interview: „Nicht die Innovationskraft beschneiden!“

Über Chancen und Risiken von KI für Unternehmen und Arbeitnehmer

Intelligente Gesundheit

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Events on the topic



fully booked

Social Media – Medienkompetenz als Schlüsselfähigkeit von Lehrenden

Soziale Medien, Interviewführung, Filmdreh – kreative Ideen für Unterricht, Seminare und Workshops

Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic


Ein Standard für Urbane Digitale Zwillinge

Fachgespräch zum DIN SPEC 91607

Gruppenbild der Teilnehmerinnen & Teilnehmer

Künstliche Intelligenz in Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt

Utopie oder Dystopie?

Professor Dr. Frank Pisch Ph.D, Dr. Deborah Schnabel und Professor Dr. Dr. Christian Reuter (von links) Thomas Ehlen /

DemocrAIcy III

Gesellschaftliche Chancen und Risiken Künstlicher Intelligenz im politischen Prozess: Fake News und Cybersicherheit

Lars Zimmermann Fabian Tode

Digitale Innovationen

Demokratie modern und zukunftsfest gestalten

Podium Zimmermann, Pisch, Stuffrein

DemocrAIcy II

Die zweite Veranstaltung der Reihe am 14. Mai 2024

PXL_20240423_171127770 (1)

DemocrAIcy I

Der Auftakt am 23. April 2024

Cadenabbia Titel

Staat und Verwaltung effektiv gestalten

Begrüßung zum Hi Ai – KI-Kongress Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung/Tina Flemming

Artificial intelligence as a driver of innovation in government and society

Hi Ai - the AI congress for everyone

Die Stadt ist komplexer geworden

Umsetzung der Berliner Smart City Strategie in der Diskussion

Noll, Standop, Tricot 1 Martin Reuber

Fluch oder Segen für die Zukunft der Bildung in Deutschland und Frankreich?

Digitale Lernformen im deutsch-französischen Vergleich

European Data Summit 2022 KAS

Sustainability Requires Innovation

Searching for a Fair Distribution Key in the Data Economy when Competition Matters

forum digital: Ab ins Metaversum! Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung/Kai Bodo Schläfke

Immersive Technologien und der Hype um das Metaverse

Im „forum digital“ diskutierten Politik, Wirtschaft und Forschung die Potentiale von virtuellen Realitäten

Moderatorin Karoline Gil, General Michael Vetter, Ferdinand Gehringer, Maximilian Mäder Felix Witzlinger

Die digitale Zukunft unserer Sicherheit

Sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen in einer neuen Geopolitik

Professor Dr. Joachim Fetzer (links) und Frederk Schmitt Thomas Ehlen /

Algorithmen entscheiden nicht - Unsere Zukunft mit Künstlicher Intelligenz

Eine Bilanz des Fuldaer Gesprächs 3. November 2022

KAS-Stipendiaten aus Afrika Martin Reuber

Gemeinsam gehen will gelernt sein

Ein Werkstattbericht über die Zukunft der afrikanisch-europäischen Partnerschaft

Dr. Sven Herpig Thomas Ehlen /

Resilienz stärken! Cybersicherheit als zentrale Kategorie im digitalen Zeitalter

Eine Bilanz des Wiesbadener Tischgesprächs und des Frankfurter Gesprächs am 5. September 2022

PD Dr. Jochen Roose (l) und Ralf Altenhof (r) KAS-Bremen

Innovationskultur in Deutschland

Mittagsveranstaltung zur KAS-Studie von PD Dr. Jochen Roose

Oliver Krauß MdL Ingo Hellwig

Auswege oder Ausflüchte?

Die Welt im Krisenmodus

European Data Summit 2021 - Stage 2 Juliane Liebers

The Time is Now – Ready for Competition

European Data Summit 2021

Forum Digital The Next Big Thing

Von der Idee zur Innovation

Staatliche Förderung ist mehr als Geld


Media library

Turnaround - the KAS Fellow Podcast with Lars Zimmermann

Germany efficient - How federalism, skilled workers and digital reforms fit together

Lars Zimmermann talks to Thorsten Frei about the opportunities and obstacles of a modern state (only in German).

Turnaround - the KAS Fellow Podcast with Lars Zimmermann

Germany digital - Why the modernization of the state needs speed

In an interview with Lars Zimmermann, Bernd Schlömer provides insights into challenges such as overcrowded committees and a lack of process managers (only in German)..


IKPK24: Dr. Katja Munoz zu Künstlicher Intelligenz in Wahlkämpfen

Im Interview erläutert Dr. Katja Munoz, Research Fellow GDAP, die Auswirkungen von KI auf die Demokratie, die Vulnerabilitäten und wie KI in Europa und Deutschland genutzt wurde.

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IKPK24: Dr. Ulf Buermeyer zur digitalen Transformation in Deutschland

Dr. Ulf Buermeyer, Jurist, Journalist und Host des Podcasts „Lage der Nation“ fordert, dass digitale Prozesse in der Verwaltung vereinfacht und entschlackt werden müssten.

Erststimme #98:

Ein Gespräch zum Thema „Künstliche Intelligenz“

Wie funktioniert eigentlich „Künstliche Intelligenz“ und wie berühren uns diese neuen Anwendungen im Alltag? Kann KI diese Fragen beantworten? Erfahren Sie hier mehr!

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Hi Ai – der KI-Kongress für alle

Künstliche Intelligenz ist Chance für unsere Demokratie

Auf unserem KI-Kongress haben wir gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern & spannenden Speakern die Multiperspektive von KI aufgezeigt.

Hi Ai – der KI-Kongress für alle

Künstliche Intelligenz & die neue Art, zu lernen

Wir müssen darüber sprechen, wie KI systematisch im Bildungssektor eingesetzt werden kann, um Lehrkräfte sowie Schülerinnen und Schüler zu befähigen und zu fördern.

Hi Ai – der KI-Kongress für alle

AI meets Education auf unserem KI-Kongress

Im Bildungsbereich unterstützen KI-Assistenzen Lehrkräfte, jedoch ohne sie zu ersetzen. In Workshops und Panels konnten wir konkrete Take-aways identifizieren.

Erststimme #92: Lars Zimmermann

State modernization

We welcome our guest Lars Zimmermann, who is accompanying our work in 2024 as a KAS Fellow. Marcel Schepp talks to him about the topic of state modernization, among other things.

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Erststimme #88: Hildegard Müller

Nachhaltige Mobilität & Künstliche Intelligenz

In der aktuellen Folge sprechen wir mit Hildegard Müller, der Präsidentin des Verbandes der Automobilindustrie, über spannende anstehende Themen.

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