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IMAGO / Fotoarena

Country reports

Brazil on a Summit High: Neutral and Pragmatic

by Maximilian Hedrich, Philipp Gerhard

Brazil ahead of the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro

With its pragmatic equidistance, the host of this year's G20 summit is reaching its limits in terms of foreign policy, but its neutrality also offers opportunities. Thanks to its stringent neutrality and a good dose of pragmatism, Brazil has many options for diversifying its foreign and trade relations. In times of multiple crises, this strategy sometimes reaches its limits. The escalating global conflicts require clear commitments and clear action. Multiple interests must be carefully weighed up and close ties are becoming more difficult - in all directions. Brazil is a sought-after partner that is making a confident appearance on the international stage during Brazil's G20 year. Germany and Europe would be well advised not to close the doors that are still open.

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The full-lenght publication is only available in German.

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Maximilian Hedrich

Maximilian Hedrich

Director KAS office Brazil +55 21 2220 5441 +55 21 2220 5448
Cadernos Adenauer
September 25, 2024
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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.