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The Value of Global Health

Why Germany's strong commitment is worthwhile

The declared withdrawal of the USA is a hard blow to the World Health Organisation. The freezing of US development aid is even more serious. It poses an acute threat to millions of people who are now cut off from medicines, medical care and preventive measures. As the second largest donor, Germany is now expected to assume greater responsibility. It will not be able to close the gap left by the USA, especially as budget funds are becoming scarcer. So what are the arguments in favour of Germany's strong commitment to global health?

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The moral argument that Germany provides aid to people in poorer countries due to its prosperity should not be cited alone. Another point is the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, to which Germany has committed itself and which define health and well-being for all people as Goal 3. There are other arguments as well: 


National security issue 

Global health is a matter of national security. Covid19 has dramatically demonstrated how quickly and brutally a pandemic can strike, even in countries with highly developed healthcare systems. No one knows where in the world the next pandemic will break out. According to The Lancet, the probability of a pandemic of similar proportions breaking out within 25 years is 48 per cent. It is therefore also in Germany's interest if healthcare systems worldwide are as resilient as possible so that pandemic potential can be recognised quickly, countermeasures can be initiated and pathogens can be shared.  


Influence in geopolitics 

Germany enjoys a high reputation in global health policy. This is due to the financial resources, the contribution of German research institutions to relevant health innovations and knowledge exchange as well as international partnerships. Germany can use all of this to exert its influence, including in areas outside of global health. 


Economic and innovative strength 

The health industry is a mainstay of Germany's economic and innovative strength. Germany is one of the leaders in the fields of diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and medical devices. People in many places benefit from research and development in Germany. Germany's involvement in global health therefore also strengthens its own economy. 


Cost-benefit: Health expenditure 

In 2023, around USD 1.2 billion of German ODA (Official Development Assistance) funds, less Covid19 special funds, went to international health promotion. German health expenditure in the same year totalled around 494 billion euros. In this comparison, spending on global health seems appropriate for greater security of the country's own healthcare system, more geopolitical influence and a stronger foundation for the health industry in Germany. 

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Lukas Lingenthal

Lukas Lingenthal

Global Health, Mobility +49 30 26996 3689 +49 30 26996 53689


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