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Specialist conference

Beyond “Absorption”: The Impact of EU Structural Funds on Greece (1981-2013)

International conference on the effects of EU structural funds in Greece between 1981-2013.

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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Athens supports a conference of the University of the Peloponnese, the Greek Politics Specialist Group as well as EPEES, analysing the influence and impact of EU structural funds on Greece between 1981-2013. On the invitation of KAS Greece, experts from Poland, Italy and Germany will share their country-specific experience on the topic.

Participation on invitation only.

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Auslandsbüro Griechenland
Mourouzi 8,
10551 Αθήνα
Zur Webseite

Alternative venue

Institute of Diplomacy and Global Affairs, 17b Ipitou Street



Beyond “Absorption”: The Impact of EU Structural Funds in Greece (1981-2013)
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