Specialist conference
The year 2025 marks the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. The end of the war on May 8 set the stage for a new beginning to reshape the future in a different and better war; a fresh start that was, however, burdened by the consequences of the world war: the knowledge of the National Socialist ideology of extermination and its civilizational rupture of the Holocaust has bestowed upon us Germans, a responsibility that continues to shape our country and our society in a unique manner to this day and beyond. The United Nations Charter and the ambitious endeavor to overcome the failed European nationalism in a union of states stood in contrast to the nuclear confrontation in a bipolar world and the decades-long division of the continent and our country.
The ongoing discussion of the consequences of the war and the post-war period marks the occasion for our academic conference, which we are hosting in cooperation with the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder, the Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and the Columbia University New York. The conference is intended to shed light on the topic both historiographically and with a clear reference to the present. The focus will be on the situation in Germany and Eastern Europe as well as the geopolitical changes in the new world order. In addition, the ramifications of demobilization, the relationship between victors and vanquished as well as questions of the culture of remembrance will be discussed.
Our conference will conclude with an evening event, featuring a keynote speech by historian Jörn Leonhard, followed by a panel discussion on perspectives for future conflict resolution in the global post-war order, for which we have been able to secure the participation of Jana Puglierin and Johann Wadephul MP, among others.
You can register on this page from 25 March.
The conference language is English. The evening event on April 30 will be held in German.
Why NATO was founded - and why Germany became a member
In view of current threats, the North Atlantic defence alliance, NATO, is needed more than ever to ensure stability and security. But why was the defence alliance founded in 1949, who threatened the Western community – and why did the Federal Republic of Germany join NATO in 1955? (VIDEO IN GERMAN)
Dienstag, 29. April 2025
Wissenschaftliche Tagung
bis 9.30 Uhr | Registrierung / Welcome Coffee in der Akademie der KAS
9.30 Uhr | Begrüßung
Leiter WD/ACDP, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Prof. Dr. Eduard Mühle
Präsident der Europa Universität Viadrina
9.50 Uhr | Einführung
Europa Universität Viadrina
Prof. Dr. Fabien Théofilakis
Universität Panthéon Sorbonne
Dr. Emmanuel Kattan
Columbia University
10.30 Uhr | Panel 1: Berlin 1945
Dr. Peter Lieb
ZMSBw Potsdam
War, fleeing and extreme violence in the Berlin-Brandenburg region: The last months of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp complex in 1945
Janine Fubel
Fernuniversität Hagen
Berlin im Nachkrieg. Neue Perspektiven auf eine „bekannte“ Stadtgeschichte
Prof. Dr. Lorenz Lüthi
McGill University, Montreal
Prof. Dr. Claudia Weber
12.30 Uhr | Mittagessen
13.30 Uhr | Panel 2: Victors and vanquished. Geopolitical aspects
PD Dr. Julia Eichenberg
Universität Bayreuth
Die Nachkriegszeit und ihre Bedeutung in Asien
Prof. Dr. Urs Matthias Zachmann
FU Berlin
Die Begründung der liberalen Weltordnung durch die USA
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlie
Universität Bonn
Sowjetische Expansion – Nachkriegsordnung in Osteuropa
Prof. Dr. Claudia Weber
Europa Universität Viadrina
Janine Fubel
15.30 Uhr | Kaffeepause
16.00 Uhr | Panel 3: Demobilizations - a return to ‘normality’?
Prof. Dr. Jörg Echternkamp
ZMSBw Potsdam / Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
German Naval Soldiers in East- and Southeast Asia
PD Dr. Jan Asmussen
Universität Kiel
Kriegsheimkehrer in der Grenzstadt Frankfurt/Oder
Dr. Karl-Konrad Tschäpe
Dr. Michael Borchard
18.00 Uhr | Get Together und Empfang
Mittwoch, 30. April
ab 9.30 Uhr | Registrierung und Kaffee
10.00 Uhr | Panel 4: Victims and perpetrators – justice and injustice
Prof. Dr. Tatiana Tönsmeyer
Universität Wuppertal
Survivors and the promise of justice. Prosecuting Nazi crimes at the sites of atrocities
PD Dr. Sabina Ferhadbegovic
Universität Jena
Memoriam Nürnberger Prozesse
Dr. Alexander Korb
Dr. Emmanuel Kattan
12.00 Uhr | Mittagessen
13.00 Uhr | Panel 5: Loss, homeland and new beginnings?
A new beginning on graves and ashes? Eastern European Jewish life after the Holocaust
Dr. Jakob Stürmann
Leibniz-Institut für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur - Simon Dubnow
Flucht und Vertreibung
Prof. Dr. Matthias Stickler
Universität Würzburg
Von Breslau bis Berlin. Frauen, der Zweite Weltkrieg und die Bedeutung von Heimat
Prof. Dr. Sonja E. Klocke
University of Wisconsin
Prof. Dr. Fabien Théofilakis
15.00 Uhr | Kaffeepause
15.30 Uhr | Panel 6: 80 years - paths to a new culture of remembrance
Democracy and international cooperation – the Allied Museum, Berlin
Bernd von Kostka
Prof. Dr. Rafal Wnuk
Museum Berlin-Karlshorst. Historical site in the field of conflict in the German-Russian relations
Dr. Jörg Morré
Prof. Dr. Thomas Sandkühler
HU Berlin
Prof. Dr. Claudia Weber
17.30 Uhr | Pause
18.00 Uhr | Einführung
Vorsitzender der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
18.15 Uhr | Keynote
Universität Freiburg
19.00 Uhr | Podiumsdiskussion
Universität Freiburg
Dr. Jana Puglierin
European Council on Foreign Relations
Dr. Johann Wadephul MdB
Vizepräsident der Parlamentarischen Versammlung der NATO
Dr. Tatiana Timofeeva
Europa Universität Viadrina
Dr. Gesine Dornblüth
20.00 Uhr | Empfang
Hinweise: Please note that participation is only possible after prior registration. The programme is subject to change. The event will be accompanied by multimedia. By registering, participants agree that the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. may use the photo and film material created before, during or after the event for an unlimited period of time in both online and print format for press and public relations purposes.