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public domain / Album von Berlin; Globus Verlag, Berlin 1904

German history until 1933

German History until 1933


The German Empire, in preparation since 1848 and founded in 1871, experienced an unprecedented heyday and – although not only through fault of its own – took the wrong path.

Richard von Weizsäcker, former President of the Federal Republic of Germany, 2005

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At a glance

  • The desire for a united, liberal German state had already developed during the “Wars of Liberation”, but only gained real political significance with the revolution of 1848.
  • The revolution failed due to the resistance of monarchical forces. It was not until 1871 that the German nation state was founded under different auspices.
  • The defeat of the Central Powers in the First World War sealed the fate of the monarchy.
  • With the founding of the Weimar Republic, Germany received a democratic constitution in 1919. The republic was unable to cope with the numerous crises of the 1920s. It came to an end in 1933 with the National Socialist seizure of power.
  • We at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung feel committed to a vibrant culture of remembrance. That is why explore the foundations of German democracy and constitutional history.



1. Between restoration and revolution

2. Between modernisation and persistence

3. Between democratisation and totalitarian threat

4. Focus on German democratic and constitutional history

5. Our offers and projects on the topic

6. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Central highlights of political, democratic and constitutional history since the early 19th Century are explored in the chapter on Germany history prior to 1933. The “wars of liberation” between 1813 and 1815 against Napoleonic France gave rise to the liberal middle classes’ desire for a united German nation state. At the same time, the liberals demanded political participation and the guarantee of fundamental freedoms. “Unity and freedom” then became the double political slogan of the bourgeoisie.


Between restoration and revolution: for unity and freedom

However, the princes gathered at the Congress of Vienna attempted to restore absolutist ruling structures of the 18th century. The desire for a German nation state also failed to be fulfilled and individual states were only loosely connected in the “German Confederation”. This led to protests, for instance in 1817 at the Wartburg Festival and in 1832 at the Hambach Festival. With the revolution of 1848, the goals of “unity and freedom” seemed to have been achieved. It was at the Frankfurt Paulskirche where an all-German parliament convened for the first time and drafted a constitution. Yet the revolution failed due to the resistance of monarchical forces and internal strife.


Between modernisation and persistence: in the German Empire

January 1871, albeit under different circumstances, finally witnessed the founding of a German nation state. This was preceded by the “wars of unification” against Denmark, Austria and France. The central political figure of those years was Reich Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. With a clever foreign policy, he succeeded in breaking down reservations abroad about the new power factor in the centre of Europe. A visible sign of the new international prestige was Germany’s role as host at the “Berlin Congress” in 1878. By contrast, it suffered domestic policy defeat in disputes with the Catholic church “Kulturkampf” and Social Democracy (Anti-Socialist Laws). Following the dismissal of Bismarck in 1890 by Emperor Wilhelm II, the German Empire developed successfully economically, but there were increasing tensions both at home and abroad. Defeat in the World War of 1914 to 1918, which Germany helped to cause, also spelt the end of the monarchy.


Between democratisation and totalitarian threat: the Weimar Republic

The Republic of Weimar came into being with elections to the National Assembly in early 1919, and the drafting of a democratic constitution. Despite being confronted with harsh provisions of the Treaty of Versailles and extremist hostility, it initially managed to defy challenges such as the Kapp Putsch in 1920 as well as the Ruhr occupation and hyperinflation in the “crisis year” of 1923. In terms of foreign policy, under Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann, the Locarno Agreements of 1925 even gave rise to a rapprochement with France. However, with the advent of the Great Depression as of 1929, the Weimar Republic once again found itself in a political and socio-economic emergency. With the establishment of National Socialist tyranny, the first German republic was brought to an abrupt end.


Focus on German democratic and constitutional history: an important part of our political education work

The foundations of German democratic and constitutional history in the 19th and early 20th centuries with the goals of equal rights and individual freedom, form an integral part of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftungs’s political education work, which is committed to a “living culture of remembrance” in its mission statement.

Our offers and projects on the topic

Selected projects

With publications, events and selected projects, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung commemorates and informs about important milestones of German history in the 19th and 20th centuries.

On the History of the German National Anthem

Dealing with the “The Song of the Germans” at different times reflects the eventful history of our country with its ups and downs.


Learn more about the German national anthem.

On the History and Development of Christian-Based Parties


One of the origins of Christian Democracy lies in the emergence and development of Christian parties at the time of the German Empire.


Learn more about the emergence of Christian-based parties

Learn more about the development of Christian-based parties

On the History of the German Empire


With the founding of the German nation state, a longstanding wish of many contemporaries came true. Between 1871 and 1918, the rise and fall of the German Empire took place during a period of change at the transition from the 19th to the 20th century.


Learn more about the German Empire

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Prof. Dr. Matthias Oppermann

Dr. Matthias Oppermann

Stv. Leiter Wissenschaftliche Dienste / Archiv für Christlich-Demokratische Politik, Leiter Zeitgeschichte +49 30 26996-3812
June 23, 2022
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