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Adobe Stock/ Nataliya

The Value of Global Health

Why Germany's strong commitment is worthwhile

The declared withdrawal of the USA is a hard blow to the World Health Organisation. The freezing of US development aid is even more serious. It poses an acute threat to millions of people who are now cut off from medicines, medical care and preventive measures. As the second largest donor, Germany is now expected to assume greater responsibility. It will not be able to close the gap left by the USA, especially as budget funds are becoming scarcer. So what are the arguments in favour of Germany's strong commitment to global health?

IMAGO / NurPhoto

South America is burning

South America has been experiencing one of the driest years for a long time

Rivers are reaching historic lows and devastating forest fires are keeping the subcontinent in their grip.

Imago / ZUMA Press Wire

Nairobi: Storming of the Parliament

The Republic of Kenya in Turmoil

The protests against the planned tax increases in Kenya escalated on Tuesday when demonstrators stormed the parliament in Nairobi. Among other things, the governor's office was set on fire and numerous politicians had to be evacuated. The riots have already resulted in several deaths.

Adobe Stocke / Bartek Wróblewski

Quantencomputer: Hardware-Upgrade für Künstliche Intelligenz

Schneller, Effizienter und Intelligenter

Quantencomputer können die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der KI-Entwicklung in Deutschland steigern. Neue technische Ansätze erleichtern ihren Betrieb und ermöglichen perspektivisch eine breitere Anwendung. Trotz der Führungsrolle der USA und China ist deutsche Forschung international bedeutend. Für die Entwicklung konkurrenzfähiger deutscher Quantencomputertechnologie muss die Wirtschaft stärker aktiviert werden.

Adobe Stock / abr68

Wake-up call for integration policy

The crime statistics 2023 show the need for integration policy action

At the beginning of April, the Federal Minister of the Interior presented the Police Crime Statistics (PCS) 2023. According to these statistics, the number of crimes in Germany has risen by 5.5 per cent since 2022. The Federal Criminal Office (FCPO) believes that one reason for the increase is the high immigration figures. The PCS suggests that there may be a connection between criminal tendencies and a lack of integration. What contribution could integration policy make to crime reduction?

Adobe Stock / kilimanjaro

Energy transition? Yes, but please make it sustainable!

Appeal for an environmentally friendly, secure and affordable energy supply in Germany

15 April 2024 marks the anniversary of the shutdown of the last three nuclear power plants in Germany. An opportunity to take stock of Germany's energy transition. Our short policy paper suggests guidelines for making the energy transition sustainable.

Adobe Stock / TensorSpark / Generated with AI

Forced exmatriculation against anti-Semitism

Between academic freedom and security concerns: anti-Semitism and the response of German universities

Anti-Semitic incidents at German universities have increased significantly since the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel in October 2023. Nationwide, there is growing concern for the safety of Jewish students. Since an act of violence in Berlin in February 2024, there have been discussions about better legal measures against anti-Semitism in the university context. Better regulations are needed to protect Jewish students and secure the university environment, while at the same time strengthening the autonomy of universities.

Adobe Stock / Marco2811

Das Rentenpaket II

Mehrbelastung statt Generationengerechtigkeit

Angesichts des demografischen Wandels, der unweigerlich den Druck auf unsere Sozialsysteme erhöht, zeichnet sich ein hoher Reformbedarf in der deutschen Altersvorsorge ab. Das Rentenpaket II soll die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung laut Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung modernisieren, sodass sie auch für jüngere Generationen verlässlich bleibt. Welche Ziele verfolgt das Rentenpaket II? Wie ist es zu bewerten und wie könnte eine nachhaltige und generationengerechte Rente aussehen? Die Antworten auf diese Fragen finden Sie im Kurzum „Das Rentenpaket II: Mehrbelastung statt Generationengerechtigkeit“.

IMAGO / Kyodo News

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in Berlin

Current background information on the visit of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to Berlin

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is expected to pay an official visit to Berlin from March 11 to 13. While bilateral relations were at a low point under the previous government of Rodrigo Duterte, they have improved noticeably since Marcos took office. One reason for this is the tense geopolitical climate and the interest of both countries in defending the rules-based international order. The most important topics of the visit will therefore be the maintenance of regional security in the Indo-Pacific and the intensification of economic and trade relations.

IMAGO / Friedrich Stark

Attacks on Christians in Nigeria

How the raids at Christmas 2023 fit into an existing major conflict over resources in Nigeria

Nigeria, a country torn by multiple crisis and conflicts, experienced a series of attacks on Christmas 2023, which gained attention far beyond its own borders. But the search for reasons to explain this outbreak of violence is complex. With a spreading conflict on resources, fueled by climate change and population growth, it becomes evident, that more reasons are underlying then the smouldering religious conflict in the region.

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About this series

Concise, reduced to the essentials, but always highly topical. In our series "kurzum", our experts summarise an issue or problem on a maximum of two pages.