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Constitutional limits of a reform of §§ 218 ff. of the Criminal Code

by Michael Kubiciel

Impulses in the discussion on § 218 StGB

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Kubiciel erörtert die verfassungsrechtlichen Begrenzungen einer potenziellen Neuregelung der Gesetzgebung zum Schwangerschaftsabbruch in Deutschland. Durch seine Analyse wird die essenzielle Bedeutung eines ausgewogenen Verhältnisses zwischen der Autonomie der Frau und dem Schutz ungeborenen Lebens, sowie der Wert langjähriger Kompromisse für die gesellschaftliche Einheit herausgestellt.

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In times of multiple crises, the debate over a reform of § 218 StGB, which regulates abortion in Germany, requires well-considered arguments. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Kubiciel questions the necessity of such reforms and sheds light on their potential constitutional barriers. Kubiciel's observations reveal that the legislation established in 1995, based on a compromise that decriminalises abortion under certain conditions, has not only contributed to a reduction in the number of terminations but also prevented the criminalisation of women and doctors.

These regulations reflect the complex moral and ethical dimensions of the issue by respecting both the reproductive autonomy of the woman and the protection of unborn life. Kubiciel emphasises the crucial role of the criminal code in protecting fundamental rights, including the right to life, and cautions against underestimating the importance of the existing compromise. Neither from a criminal policy nor from a constitutional perspective are there compelling reasons for changing the existing regulations, highlighting the importance of compromises for democratic cohesion and societal harmony.

Read the full monitor: "Constitutional limits of a reform of §§ 218 ff. of the Criminal Code" here as a PDF.

Please note, to date the paper is only available in German.

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Patricia Ehret


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