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Equal Rights and Social Diversity

Equality and Social Diversity

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Democracy also means taking a critical look at oneself

Rita Süssmuth, former Minister of Youth, Family and Health and former President of the German Bundestag

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At a glance

  • All around the globe, people are subjected to discrimination due to their sexual orientation, religion, origin, psychological or physical limitations or gender.
  • Gender equality is of particular importance here. With the UN Convention of 1979, the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women was adopted under international law.
  • In Germany, equality between men and women is a constitutional right. However, in light of increasing equality, groups are emerging that fundamentally question emancipation.
  • The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung takes a clear stance on this: From our perspective, a pluralistic society needs to offer everyone equal opportunities and the chance to participate.
  • With our analysis activities and programmes, we help to enable citizens to live and participate in society on an equal footing with their diversity and unique qualities. 



1. Gender equality enjoys special status

2. Various actors are questioning the principle of equality

3. We play a role in creating an equal way of life

4. Our offers and projects on the topic

5. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Gender equality enjoys special status

Freedom and equality constitute inalienable human rights. Nevertheless, people experience discrimination owing to their gender, religion, world view, origin, physical and mental abilities or sexual orientation. Particular importance is attached to gender equality throughout the world. With the UN Convention of 1979, the active elimination of all forms of discrimination against women was adopted under international law. The fifth sustainability goal of Agenda 2030 is gender equality as a basic prerequisite for sustainable development.


Various actors are questioning the principle of equality

In the Federal Republic, equality between men and women is a constitutional right. It is thanks to women’s movements and committed individuals that the legal situation of women has improved in Germany and across the world. However, this increasing equality engenders the formation of political and social actors as well as movements that challenge the principle of equality and merely see women as guardians of the family; they do not grant them a role in social life and the world of work that goes beyond this. These groups challenge equality on a daily basis, and are partly responsible for de facto equality still having not been achieved in Germany and across the globe. Anti-feminist currents often make use of homophobic and racist agitations, too.


We play a role in creating an equal way of life

Our work in the area of equality and social diversity is based on the Christian view of humanity. Through our analysis and consulting work, we want to help enable citizens to live and take part in society equally, in all the ways that make them diverse and unique. Here, we attach particular importance to contributing towards overcoming gender gaps in wage and pension payments, in care provision or in political representation.

A pluralistic society must offer equal participation and opportunities to all. But how can this succeed? How can different population groups live and participate in our liberal democracy on an equal footing? Our publications and podcasts address these questions, while also providing a wide range of analyses and information on the topics of equality, diversity and participation.

Our offers and projects on the topic

Seminar offers and event series

For more than 25 years, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Women’s Council has been offering targeted nationwide formats for women under the heading of empowerment, so as to increase their presence and visibility in politics, business and society. In addition, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung regularly offer various events that address aspects on equality and social diversity.

Women’s Council


Women continue to be under-represented in politics, business and society. For this reason, with the Women’s Council, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung provides a nationwide seminar programme just for women. With our multifaceted events, we would like to embolden women to position themselves well and take responsibility.


Learn more about the Women’s Council

Being a Woman


Guests are women with the most diverse trajectories and beliefs. They talk about emancipation and feminism, set their own topics and find creative ways of expressing themselves. Be it a glance at a digital photo album, poems or comedy: The speakers themselves decide how to organise their event.

The “Being a Woman” of the various speakers will be captured in a graphic recording. This way, each event gives rise to new parts of a picture which is never complete – but each image provides us with a new perspective. The event will be accompanied by interviews in video format on the Instagram channel @kas_rheinland.

On this page, we invite you to explore your own Being a Woman, and to exchange ideas with the speakers!


Learn more about the “Being a Woman” event series



With the “Future Women” podcast, the Women’s Council of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung offers a regular audio format where successful women have their say.

Future Women


In the podcast “Future Women", women have something to say about their social commitment and associated experience. They talk about their own journey, their personal trajectory and the difficulties arising on the path towards greater co-determination and the realisation of specific goals and visions.


Learn more about the podcast “Future Women”

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Dr. Dana Fennert

Dana Fennert

Equal Rights and Diversity +49 30 26996-3590

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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications on this topic

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Policy Atlas ‘Renting, Buying, Living’

An overview of key housing policy measures

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Klare Absage an Reform der Pensionskassen und an Biodiversitätsinitiative

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Projekt „Entwicklung von Bildungsformaten für junge Menschen in einfacher Sprache“ - Gefördert vom Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

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Ghana's parliament passes anti-LGBTQ+ law

After more than 2½ years of deliberation, Ghana's parliament voted in favor of a new anti-LGBTQ+ law, dramatically worsening the situation for homosexuals and sexual minorities.

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Bunter Wirbelsturm Adobe Stock / agsandrew

Constitutional limits of a reform of §§ 218 ff. of the Criminal Code

Impulses in the discussion on § 218 StGB

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The (in)visibility of (forced) prostitution in the criminal justice system

Is a Prohibition to buy sex a solution?

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Practical test of survey methods – which survey method delivers trustworthy, representative results?

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Missverständnisse der Geschlechterdebatte

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75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Map of the Month 12/2023

Länderbericht mal anders Titelbild Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

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Länderbericht mal anders Titelbild Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

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Yvonne Magwas, Vizepräsidentin des Deutschen Bundestages, über „Barbie“ und die Lage des Feminismus

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Events on the topic




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Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic

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Media library

Erststimme #99: Dr. Felor Badenberg

Anti-Semitism in Germany

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Erststimme #93: Udo di Fabio

75 Jahre Grundgesetz

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How can women's rights be strengthened in the health sector?

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Neue Folge des Podcasts Multipod

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Erststimme #85: Peter Tauber

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Rücksicht und Respekt - Mit Stellungnahmen von Herbert Reul und Armin Nassehi

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Erststimme #83: Pastor Christof Rau

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Podcast Erststimme #82

Tag des Ehrenamts

🎤Today is Volunteer Day! We talk to Andrea Milz, State Secretary for Sport and Volunteering in NRW, about the role of volunteers in our coexistence.

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