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Sven Lorenz/RWI

Press Releases

Economic expert Christoph M. Schmidt becomes a new Fellow of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

The former chairman of the German Council of Economic Experts provides the foundation with impetus for its work in times of economic transformation

With the President of the RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research in Essen and former Chairman of the German Council of Economic Experts, Prof Dr Dr h.c. Christoph M. Schmidt, an outstanding personality will accompany the Foundation's work for a year with an outside perspective for the fifth time. He succeeds the sociologist Armin Nassehi (2021), the security expert Christoph Heusgen (2022), the marine biologist Antje Boetius (2023) and the digital and technology expert Lars Zimmermann (2024).

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The entire press release is only available in German. To read the entire article, please change the language to German.

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Dr. Jochen Blind

Portrait von Jochen Blind

Press spokesman +49 30 26996-3227


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Dr. Jochen Blind

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Press spokesman +49 30 26996-3227

Julia Berger

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Pressereferentin +49 30 26996-3272