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Business and Innovation

Economy and Innovation

Shaping a World in Upheaval through Innovations


We have a duty to think in generations and to build a solid foundation for a happy future for our children and our children’s children.

Ludwig Erhard, Economist, Federal Minister for Economics and second Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany

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At a glance

  • Freedom and competition remain key aspects for the future viability of the German economy. They are guaranteed by the concept of the social market economy, which strives for social balance.
  • One of the most important reasons for Germany's economic strength and prosperity is the innovative power of entrepreneurs and researchers.
  • In order for market-ready innovations to emerge from excellent research and development in Germany and Europe and for profits to be generated in the European single market, less bureaucracy, bold investments and a predictable economic policy are needed.
  • As a Christian Democratic concept, the social market economy represents a balance between the state and the market.
  • With its analyses and advice, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is helping to successfully shape the innovative transformation of the economy in Germany and Europe.



1. Innovation and competitive strength

2. Regulatory framework social market economy

3. Our offers and projects on the topic

4. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Germany is a country that is not rich in raw materials; this makes the German economy all the most dependent on the knowledge and skills of its people. The cornerstone of Germany’s economic clout and prosperity is the innovative power of entrepreneurs, companies and developers. Having said that, the pressure on competitiveness has drastically increased in recent decades due to global interdependence and the opening of new markets. As the "country of ideas”, Germany is not represented in the immediate top group in global innovation rankings and indices. Business models are increasingly shifting towards services, digitalisation and the data economy.


Innovation and competitive strength

The German economy will only safeguard its global competitiveness if it harnesses the opportunities inherent in technological progress – and namely faster and better than before. Less bureaucracy, bold investments and a predictable economic policy are needed so that market-ready innovations can emerge from excellent research and development in Germany and Europe and profits can be generated in the European single market.

Freedom and competition are central to the ability to innovate. That is because competition drives innovation, leading to sustainable, economic progress and to cheaper and better services for society. Competition requires entrepreneurial freedom, too, since innovations take place on the market as opposed to the political sphere.


Regulatory framework social market economy

The economic and socio-political regulatory framework for a balance between state and market represents the Christian Democratic concept of the social market economy. It is considered to be another essential pillar of the German economy and society. The social market economy calls for both state action as well as entrepreneurial freedom and competition to become aware of their roles and limits. It has always been the bracket that holds together the principle of economic freedom with the principle of social balance and the preservation of creation. Nowadays, this concept is more familiar under the term “sustainability.”

Although times have changed and the economy and society have constantly evolved since the founding the of the Federal Republic of Germany, even today, a majority of Germans still rate the social market economy as positive. Having said that, a world facing multiple upheavals also requires a successful economic system to confront and adapt to new challenges. This gives rise to key questions for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, which are dealt with in various analyses as well as discussions and publication formats.

Our offers and projects on the topic

Event series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung offers many events on economic and innovations topics. Particularly noteworthy in this context is the European Data Summit, a three-day format on data and digital topics that takes place each year in autumn and ranks among our flagship events.

European Data Summit


The European Data Summit is a symposium organised by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung at which experts address the prerequisites for a digital European single market. A focus is also placed on the connection of the topic to the European Union’s regulatory projects.


Learn more about the European Data Summit


Publication, video and website projects

Time and again, we set priorities on certain topics, which we realise and present in different formats. Above all, this includes multi-party publication projects and series along with video projects in which we controversially discuss certain aspects of a topic.

Web3 and Blockchain


Advancing digitalisation is driving economic innovation: from Web1 to Web2 to Web3. Web1 stood for the static internet, while Web2 introduced social networks and interactivity. Web3 harbours the potential to guarantee more security, privacy and user autonomy. At the heart of Web3 is blockchain technology, which enables innovations such as smart contracts, tokens, cryptocurrencies and digital currencies through decentralised structures. It could also contribute to improved data protection in the development of artificial intelligence, create new business areas for small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups and strengthen digital sovereignty. Below you will find basic studies and insights into specific fields of application.


Learn more about Web3 and blockchain technologies

Free trade - Understanding global trade anew


Open world markets have undeniably led to unprecedented prosperity and technological progress. Nevertheless, global trade is currently highly controversial, as climate change, global inequalities and strategic dependencies seem to partially offset the benefits of free trade. Clearly, there is a need for rules governing global trade. On our overview page, we introduce this complex topic and, with our publications and video contributions, offer discussion approaches and suggestions on how free trade could be further developed with a view to climate change and new global political realities.


Learn more about free trade

Quantum Computers and their Importance for Society


Quantum computers are considered a significant future technology with great economic and social potential. Against this background, our publications on the topic not only address the basics, possible applications and social implications of this technology, but also provide recommendations for action.


Learn more about the quantum computing publications

Competition Policy in the Digital World


Digital platform companies are the big so-called “gatekeepers” on the digital markets. Yet it is not Europe that is successful here, but Asian and American companies for the most part. The seven most valuable companies worldwide either come from the USA or China. Europe is in great danger of not keeping apace with the rest of the world. To ensure that this does not happen, we are intensively addressing competition policy questions on topics such as data economy or Industry 4.0. The publications of our publication project on competition policy in the digital world aim to contribute towards this and demonstrate corresponding recommendations for action.


Learn more about the publications on digital competition policy


Scholarship and didactic offers

On the web page of our learning laboratory, the Adenauer Campus, teachers and pupils can find teaching material and exercises for the classroom, which are well prepared and divided into several learning modules. Doctoral students will also find what they are looking for here. Those wanting to obtain a doctorate and who are interested in the social market economy, may want to look into the interdisciplinary doctoral programme “Social Market Economy”.

Didactic Teaching Material for the Classroom


The learning laboratory of our Adenauer Campus, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s digital learning platform, provides teachers, pupils as well as politically interested people with a broad range of teaching and learning opportunities. In addition to exciting learning content, there are also classroom exercises on the topic of the social market economy. We invite all interested people to take a closer look at our free and interactive offers.


Learn more about the Adenauer Campus learning lab

“Social Market Economy” doctoral programme


With the “Social Market Economy” doctoral programme, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung presents doctoral candidates with an exciting study and research opportunity. It intends to stimulate the academic debate on basic principles of the social market economy, and inspire its creative further development against the background of current challenges for politics, society and the economy.

The dissertation topics should make a significant scientific contribution to understanding the social market economy model, and demonstrate practical relevance. The fellows are supervised by the Academic Advisory Board and undergo an accompanying curriculum comprising doctoral seminars on the basics of the social market economy and regulatory thinking as well as on economic policy.


Learn more about the “Social Market Economy” doctoral programme



The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has been awarding the Social Market Economy Prize since 2002. The award-winners are nominated by a jury consisting of renowned members and confirmed by the Stiftung’s Board of Directors.

Social Market Economy Prize


With the Social Market Economy Prize, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung honours personalities who champion the preservation, realisation and further development of the social market economy. When selecting the winners, the jury places special emphasis on those who exhibited a high degree of independence and individual responsibility or have made an important contribution to the justice of our economic and social system.


Find out more about the Social Market Economy Prize

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Dr. Jan Cernicky

Portrait von Dr. Jan Cernicky

Head of the Economy and Innovation Department +49 30 26996 3516 +49 30 26996 3551
Event reports
Edgar Nemschok/KAS
December 9, 2024
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Single title
November 26, 2024
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Facts and Findings
Adobe Stock / Korawan; generiert mit KI 
December 10, 2024
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Single title
Adobe Stock / thingamajiggs
January 18, 2024
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications on this topic

Webpage of the Digital Markets Act Adobe Stock / Tada Images

Doubling Down, not Backing Down

Defending the EU’s Digital Sovereignty in the Trump Era

Darstellung Digitalministerium Adobe Stock / wahyu; generiert mit KI

Why an independent Digital Ministry is indispensable and how it could be structured

Shaping the Digital Future: One Size Does Not Fit All – The Urgent Need for a Dedicated Ministry for Digital Transformation

Kampf der Giganten

Die strategische Rivalität zwischen China und den USA

Das Neue an alten Ideen

Weltbild und Wirtschaft in den USA


Índice de Prestación de Servicios Municipales


Cover Enhancing Connectivity in the Wider Black Sea Region as Post-war Recovery Leverage for Ukraine.

Wiederaufbau Ukraine

Konnektivität in der Schwarzmeerregion

Flaggen der USA und Mexikos auf rissige Mauer gemalt PantherMedia / daniel0

Mexico: Turbulent start to a landmark year

An overview of current political events

Eine Kartonpuppe stellt Javier Milei mit einer Kettensäge dar, mit der Schlange, die seine Partei als Symbol für ihre Ideen übernommen hat. picture alliance/dpa | Sebastian Salguero

Mehr Mises, Milei und Musk wagen?

Liberales und libertäres Denken und die politische Mitte

World Economic Forum and Präsident Donald Trump IMAGO /

Trump’s Trade Warriors

Trade Experts Share Common Goals, Diverge on Methods

Opinion Said TEMSAMANI 2025

Opinion: Morocco 2030 – A Shared Vision Bridging Continents

Coverbild Politsnack KI KAS

KI-Assistent vergleicht Wahlprogramme zur Bundestagswahl

Publicación 9 Retos EC

9 Retos que enfrenta el Ecuador

Una iniciativa académica que busca abordar de manera profunda y crítica los desafíos más apremiantes que enfrenta nuestro país.

Palais des Nations Geneva Flickr/UN Geneva/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Geneva Barometer

Developments among Geneva-based international organisations from September to December 2024

Internationale Talente für den Mittelstand panthermedia

International talent for the German middle class

Measures to improve skilled immigration

Cover Forschungsnation China Mit der KI Adobe Firefly generiert/ Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

Research nation China

Partner, competitor and systemic rival

Prof. Christoph Schmidt Sven Lorenz/RWI

Economic expert Christoph M. Schmidt becomes a new Fellow of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

The former chairman of the German Council of Economic Experts provides the foundation with impetus for its work in times of economic transformation

KI und Wahlen Adobe Stock / Artlana; generiert mit KI

AI and Elections: New dynamics of digital democracy in Germany

Opportunities and risks for our democratic order through AI in the super election year 2024

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Entrevista en Revista Caretas

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Political breakthrough on EU-Mercosur trade agreement

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Events on the topic




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Die Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit der Volkshochschule des Vogelsbergkreises statt.



fully booked

„Wie die Wirtschaft in Deutschland wieder auf die Beine kommt.“

Mittagsgespräch aus der Reihe „kas kompakt“



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Veranstaltung 2 aus der Reihe "#Neuland - Zu Chancen und Herausforderungen von Innovationen" des Debattenforums ANSICHTSSACHE der KAS in Kooperation mit der BBAW

Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic


Innovation – Machtverhältnisse im Neuland klären


Speaker MSC frontal Max Volz Media

Catch me if you can #CyberEdition: How to keep up with non-state hackers acting as digital proxies

Side event organised by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation at the Munich Security Conference

05_149 Geburtstag Adenauer Friedrich Merz 151

„Lebendige Erinnerung an Konrad Adenauer“

12.12.2024 Franz-Meyers-Forum

Bürokratieabbau als Motor der Wirtschaft - Perspektiven für Deutschland

"Franz-Meyers-Forum" unter der Schirmherrschaft von Dr. Günter Krings MdB

Podiumsdiskussion Edgar Nemschok/KAS

Heute wachsen für morgen

Die Wachstumskonferenz der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Bild 4

"Trumps Schutz hat ein Preisschild" - USA nach den Präsidentschaftswahlen

Wintervortrag in Zusammenarbeit mit GSP und Bundeswehr

Veranstaltungsbericht: Expertengespräch

Wie sozial ist die Marktwirtschaft


Ein Standard für Urbane Digitale Zwillinge

Fachgespräch zum DIN SPEC 91607

Gruppenbild der Teilnehmerinnen & Teilnehmer

Künstliche Intelligenz in Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt

Utopie oder Dystopie?

Cover Praxisbörsen Heft KAS-Bremen

Die Praxisbörse 2024 der Uni Bremen

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Media library

Erststimme #104 (German Podcast)

Simone Menne: How much strain is Donald Trump putting on German-American relations?

What does ‘Trump2²’ mean for the German economy and German-American relations? We discuss this with Simone Menne, President of the American Chamber of Commerce Germany.

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Turnaround - the KAS Fellow Podcast with Lars Zimmermann

Germany efficient - How federalism, skilled workers and digital reforms fit together

Lars Zimmermann talks to Thorsten Frei about the opportunities and obstacles of a modern state (only in German).

Turnaround - the KAS Fellow Podcast with Lars Zimmermann

Germany digital - Why the modernization of the state needs speed

In an interview with Lars Zimmermann, Bernd Schlömer provides insights into challenges such as overcrowded committees and a lack of process managers (only in German)..


IKPK24: Dr. Katja Munoz zu Künstlicher Intelligenz in Wahlkämpfen

Im Interview erläutert Dr. Katja Munoz, Research Fellow GDAP, die Auswirkungen von KI auf die Demokratie, die Vulnerabilitäten und wie KI in Europa und Deutschland genutzt wurde.

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Erststimme #102

#102 Veronika Grimm: Wie geht's wieder bergauf mit der Wirtschaft?

Wir sprechen mit Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm darüber, wie die Industrie in Deutschland wieder in Schwung kommt und wie sich Wirtschaftswachstum und Klimaschutz vereinen lassen.

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IKPK24: Dr. Ulf Buermeyer zur digitalen Transformation in Deutschland

Dr. Ulf Buermeyer, Jurist, Journalist und Host des Podcasts „Lage der Nation“ fordert, dass digitale Prozesse in der Verwaltung vereinfacht und entschlackt werden müssten.

Research "E-Commerce trend in the world and implications for EU- Vietnam trade"

It is a joint project between KAS and VIDS. It reviews global e-commerce trends, the status of EU-Vietnam cross-border e-commerce, and proposes strategies to enhance the EVFTA.

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Erststimme #98:

Ein Gespräch zum Thema „Künstliche Intelligenz“

Wie funktioniert eigentlich „Künstliche Intelligenz“ und wie berühren uns diese neuen Anwendungen im Alltag? Kann KI diese Fragen beantworten? Erfahren Sie hier mehr!

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Nils Aldag and Christian von Olshausen receive the Social Market Economy Prize in 2024

The two visionaries have impressively demonstrated how innovative research results can be transformed into commercially successful products.

Hi Ai – der KI-Kongress für alle

Künstliche Intelligenz ist Chance für unsere Demokratie

Auf unserem KI-Kongress haben wir gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern & spannenden Speakern die Multiperspektive von KI aufgezeigt.

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