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CB27 10 Years

by Ana Abreu

A decade of successful environmental practices and local climate action

The Report of 10 years of activities demonstrates the commitment and performance of the CB27 Forum experienced over this decade, recognizing itself and to be recognized as an arena for debate and exchange of experiences fundamental to the improvement of responsible and efficient local environmental management.

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The CB27 Forum have completed 10 years of existence, and to celebrate this relevant initiative, the result of a partnership between KAS Brazil, ICLEI South America, and Environment Municipal Officers (Secretaries) of the Brazilian capital cities, we released its report of activities over this decade.

The development of local actions to tackle climate change is now imperative for the sustainability of cities. Gathering a quarter of the population and more than a third of the national GDP, Brazilian capitals are responsible for much of the legitimization of Brazil's climate commitment (NDC). Therefore, climate compliance was the methodology chosen to evaluate the impact of the forum's activities, considering their protagonism in climate initiatives.

The report verifies that local environmental defense and climate planning policies demonstrate that Brazilian capitals are not indifferent to deforestation, the demobilization of environmental policies, and the loosening of enforcement by any government. On the contrary, Brazilian capitals are committed to defend and restore biomes as a fundamental action for their socioeconomic development.

The report is only available in Portuguese.

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Ana Abreu


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