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Conservation of Oasis Ecosystems in the MENA Region under Water Stress


This report addresses the conservation challenges faced by oasis ecosystems in the MENA region due to climate change and unsustainable practices, based on discussions from a regional dialogue program in June 2023, offering recommendations for policymakers to enhance conservation efforts and regional cooperation.

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The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region hosts the largest number of oases in the world, with an estimated total of around 690 oases. By contributing to water supply, food security, economic development, biodiversity and other aspects, these ecosystems are of great importance for local communities and the ecological balance – even more so under the increasingly tangible effects of climate change in the region.

At the same time, however, these ecosystems are endangered due to the impacts of climate change, particularly water scarcity, but also unsustainable agricultural and water practices as well as the effects of urbanization.


This report is based on the inputs and discussions during a regional dialogue programme on oasis conservation in the MENA region, which took place in June 2023 in Amman, Jordan. It aims to highlight the threats to oasis ecosystems in the region as well as to showcase existing traditional and innovative conservation approaches in order to foster the knowledge creation and exchange around oasis conservation in the MENA region. The report also includes concrete recommendations for policy makers on how to enhance conservation efforts of oasis ecoystems in the region, among others through enhanced regional cooperation.

Asset Publisher

June 20, 2023
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