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KAS Democracy Report 2009

by Dr. habil. Karsten Grabow, Dr. Gerhard Wahlers, Dr. Dr. Anton Bösl, Dr. Peter Hefele, Henri Bohnet, Gisela Elsner, Michael Däumer

Parties and Democracy Vol.II

This year´s Democracy Report concentrates on political parties, their patterns of organisation, and their contribution towards the consolidation of democracy as well as on party system structures and current development tendencies in 16 selected KAS project countries.

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Dr. habil. Karsten Grabow

Dr. habil

Policy Advisor for Asia and Pacific (Political Dialogue, Media Programme, Rule of Law Programme, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia) +49 30 26996-3246 +49 30 26996-53246
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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.




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