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Adobe Stock / Comugnero Silvana

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On risks and side effects: Germany's commitment to global health

How can Germany contribute to strengthen global health after the Corona pandemic?

In the past decade, Germany has become one of the most important players in global health. Germany's commitment is of utmost importance for improving health worldwide. Particularly with view to the COVID 19 crisis, Germany should work to strengthen the global health architecture.

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Over the course of the past 10 years, Germany has demonstrated global leadership in global health through its political and financial commitment as well as through the political leadership of the Federal Chancellor and several Federal Ministers of Health.

Maintaining this leadership is important to the pursuit of global health goals and is also in Germany's own interest. This should be done through a partnership approach - involving countries of the Global South and all relevant international organisations.

The fight against health crises must be conceived and shaped as an integral part of foreign and security policy. Expertise in the field of global health would also have to be integrated into a national security council from the outset.

Germany should maintain its strong engagement in international global health organisations, especially in the WHO, pushing for ambitious reforms. One of the priorities should be to strengthen the holistic "One Health Approach" at national and international levels.

Read the full analysis here as a PDF.

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Daniela Braun

Daniela Braun

Head of the Philippines Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation +63 2 8539 3840

Martina Kaiser

Martina Kaiser bild

Internal Project Coordination +49 30 26996-3582 +49 30 26996-53582

Dr. Olaf Wientzek

Olaf Wientzek bild

Director of the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue Brussels +32 2 669 31 70



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