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2030 Agenda
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With the adoption in 2015 of the 2030 Agenda, the United Nations created the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which serve as our global framework for sustainable development. The 2030 Agenda promotes and frames important discussions about how we can make the world more sustainable for people, the planet and our shared prosperity.
For the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, there are important points of overlap with the topics and sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda. Taking up these topics, the 2030 Agenda department aims to make a contribution to the current debate on sustainable development by way of analysis and consulting.
The topics covered include the sustainable use of natural resources as a basis for life and a prerequisite for prosperity for present and future generations. Global warming, the growing world population and the loss of biodiversity are enormous challenges to which government and business must find answers. That is why we are working on policy solutions that will facilitate modern, reliable and cost-effective provision of energy, water and food in Germany, Europe and worldwide. To this end, we look comprehensively at all the relevant domains, taking into account not only the different capacities and prerequisites of individual countries and regions, but also those of urban versus rural areas.
Developing interdisciplinary solutions and strengthening multilateral cooperation is also a key challenge in the area of global health – and it is another of the main topics of the Agenda 2030 department. Promoting access to health care worldwide is a priority of the German government. Our work makes an important contribution to the discussion of how Germany can assume global responsibility in this regard.
On the topic of development policy, we address, among other things, the issue of sustainability in global supply chains and value creation chains. Our focus here is on the tension between political responsibility, corporate duty of care and economic competitiveness and the conflicting goals to which it gives rise. We contribute to the current political debates on sustainable consumption and production: among other things, by bringing in perspectives from the global partner networks that we cultivate with the help of our offices abroad.
Monitor publication series
The Monitor publication series deals with various priority topics. Particularly relevant for our department are the main topics of sustainability and development policy, on which numerous publications have already appeared.
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Development Policy Monitor
The publications of the Development Policy Monitor are part of our Monitor publication series. The Monitor series deals with one main topic at a time from the perspective of KAS experts and places it in the political and social context on the basis of a few key points.
Sustainability Monitor
The publications of the Sustainability Monitor are part of our Monitor publication series. The Monitor series deals with one main topic at a time from the perspective of KAS experts and places it in the political and social context on the basis of a few key points.
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Publications to the topic

Mit vereinten Kräften zu besseren Gesundheitssystemen
Lukas Lingenthal
November 27, 2024
Event reports

Countdown zur COP29 – Ansätze für einen effizienten und pragmatischen Klimaschutz
Lina Rühl
October 25, 2024
Event reports

KI und digitale Gesundheitslösungen als Schlüssel für eine gerechtere globale Gesundheitsversorgung
KI und digitale Gesundheitslösungen als Schlüssel für eine gerechtere globale Gesundheitsversorgung
Annika Schröder
October 18, 2024
Event reports

Die deutsche Außenpolitik stärken: Perspektiven aus vier Weltregionen
„Deutschland kämpft unterhalb seiner Gewichtsklasse!“
Magdalena Jetschgo-Morcillo
October 2, 2024
Event reports

Energy transition? Yes, but please make it sustainable!
Appeal for an environmentally friendly, secure and affordable energy supply in Germany
Sabina Wölkner, Martin Schebesta
April 15, 2024

Conference "Global Causes and Consequences of Medicine Shortages"
Event Report
Lukas Lingenthal
February 21, 2024
Event reports

EU-Kazakhstan Green Hydrogen Partnership
Mapping Barriers and Establishing a Roadmap
Yana Zabanova, Sam Williams, Manuel Andresh, Ainur Tumysheva, Yuri Melnikov
November 7, 2023
Single title

Turbo für die Klimaneutralität?!
Die Erneuerbare-Energien-Richtlinien im Fokus
Jonathan Neu
September 18, 2023
Event reports

Wissenschaftskooperationen zu Tropenkrankheiten zwischen Deutschland und Afrika
Parlamentarischer Abend
Lukas Lingenthal, Moritz Fink, Maximilian Strobel
July 5, 2023
Event reports

EU, China und der Aufbau einer Wasserstoff-Wirtschaft
Kooperationschance oder Verdrängungswettbewerb?
April 25, 2023
Event reports

Europa als Globaler Gesundheitsakteur – mit Gesundheitspolitik zu neuen Partnerschaften
Diskussionsveranstaltung mit ausgewählten europäischen Institutionen und dem Deutschen Bundestag
Moritz Fink
November 10, 2022
Event reports

Grüne Gentechnik in der Landwirtschaft: Wundermittel oder Mogelpackung?
André Algermißen
October 25, 2022
Event reports

Global health facing relegation to second-class status?
Dwindling attention, strong competition and limited resources add up to serious concerns going forward into the new (budget) season
Moritz Fink
September 14, 2022
Facts and Findings

Unternehmerische Sorgfaltspflichten in globalen Lieferketten
Unternehmensperspektiven aus Asien zum deutschen Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz
Veronika Ertl, Dr. Jan Cernicky
May 10, 2022
Facts and Findings

Planetary Health
Interface Between Climate and Health
Moritz Fink
May 5, 2022
Sustainability Monitor

„Nachhaltigkeit ist unser Ding!“
Ein Navigator für den Wandel durch Innovation
Gisela Elsner
April 21, 2022
Event reports

A turning point for sustainability?
Impact of the war in Ukraine
André Algermißen, Gisela Elsner, Veronika Ertl, Moritz Fink, Kevin Oswald, Sabina Wölk...
April 20, 2022
Sustainability Monitor

New Kids on the Block: AIIB und NDB
New Multilateral Development Banks: A Cornerstone of Chinese Superpower Politics?
Johann C. Fuhrmann
March 29, 2022
Development Policy Monitor

COP26: A Small Step Forward on Climate Protection
The outcomes of COP26: a spirit of optimism on the global carbon markets and unresolved questions around climate finance.
Dr. Christian Hübner
November 29, 2021
Sustainability Monitor