Climate change poses major challenges for politics and society. Climate change is a major global challenge. The necessary measures for climate protection require major changes and adjustments in the political, economic and social spheres, both nationally and internationally. This is associated with high costs and solutions must be found quickly that are socially acceptable both nationally and globally.
In doing so, the roles of the state and the market in tackling the climate crisis must be rebalanced. The contributions of the conference proceedings address this multi-layered problem. On the basis of various contributions on the topics of "Climate Change as a Social Challenge", "The Roles of the State and the Market in Climate Protection", "The Social Question in Global Climate Protection Policy" and "Climate Protection at the Local Level in International Comparison", the authors propose solutions for tackling climate change from various disciplines.
The interdisciplinary symposium series "Social Ethics in Practice" is a long-standing cooperation project of the Catholic Social Academy Franz Wärme Haus, the Academy Die Wolfsburg and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. For many years, the conferences have been scientifically supported in preparation and implementation by two socio-ethical chairs: the Institute for Christian Social Sciences at the University of Münster and the Chair for Christian Social Doctrine at the Ruhr University Bochum.
Read the conference proceedings "Social Ethics in Practice – Shaping Climate Protection Globally Justice" as a PDF. This publication is only available in German.
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