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Facts and Findings

The German G7 Presidency (I)

by Arbeitskreis Junge Außenpolitik

The G7 as an Opportunity - Returning to value-based Global Governance

With the re-establishment of the G7, the democracies of the West will once again have their own forum as a community of shared values. However, the G7 nations face several fundamental challenges: Both a strategic debate about transatlantic relations and specification of a shared constructive position vis-à-vis Russia are required. During its G7 presidency Germany should thus clearly foreground the opportunities offered by a strengthened Western partnership of values. The German government should also promote the elaboration of a long-term vision and strategy for the MENA region.

Asset Publisher

Facts and Findings
October 17, 2014
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Facts and Findings
October 17, 2014
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Facts and Findings
October 17, 2014
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Facts and Findings
October 17, 2014
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Asset Publisher