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Facts and Findings

The German G7 Presidency (III)

by Arbeitskreis Junge Außenpolitik

Climate Policy: Develop Emissions Trading System. Advance the Transformation of the Energy System. Enhance Adaptability.

Featuring the global climate conference in Paris, 2015 will be a key year in the fight against climate change. One of the main aims of the G7 Summit should be to forge a consensus on climate change for a follow-up agreement to the Kyoto Protocol within the G7. To achieve the two-degree target, the focus must remain on the avoidance of emissions. For this purpose an effective emissions trading system should be developed. Moreover, the superior climate technologies in possession of the G7 nations should be capitalized on in the framework of technology, capacity and scientific partnerships.

Asset Publisher

Facts and Findings
October 17, 2014
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Facts and Findings
October 9, 2014
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Facts and Findings
October 17, 2014
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Facts and Findings
October 9, 2014
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