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Unsplash / Jorge Aguilar

Country reports

Mexico Forecast 2023

Old and new challenges for democracy

An electoral reform that is questionable for Mexican democracy, corruption and plagiarism scandals as well as personnel renewal within the Supreme Court, the continuing attacks against the National Electoral Institute and the last regional elections before the presidential elections in 2024: The start of the new year is rich in events that will shape the country's future in one way or another. What remains unchanged this year is a very polarized mood in Mexican society and an economic situation marked by strong inflation and continued economic weakness, which is not expected to return to pre-pandemic levels before 2026, according to forecasts. Internal security also remains characterized by historically high murder rates, a worrisome presence of organized crime and an increasingly visible militarization of the country. In terms of foreign policy, relations with the United States continue to take center stage; in the south of the continent, Mexico has abandoned its traditional position of non-interference, at least in the case of Peru, and has caused considerable irritation.

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Hans-Hartwig Blomeier

Portrait von Hans Blomeier

Head of the KAS office Mexico +52 55 55664599


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