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2nd Pacific Meet and Greet

(by invitation only)

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Australia) is pleased to host the second iteration of its Pacific Meet & Greet on Thursday, 23 November 2023, in Canberra.

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The networking event (by invitation only) serves as a forum for Pacific representatives and other stakeholders from the region to meet in an informal environment their German and European counterparts as well as representatives from other like-minded countries. The aim is to augment our understanding of and to complement our activities in the Pacific region. We also aim to provide our guests with the opportunity to find out more about Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), its Canberra based Regional Programme for Australia and the Pacific (KAS Australia), the work we do worldwide and in particular in this region, as well as the principles and values that we stand for.

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Eva Wagner

Eva Wagner

Senior Programme Coordinator
Rule of Law, Energy and Development Policy +61 2 6154 9323