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Griffith Asia Institute - Roundtable Policy Dialogue March 2024

Enhancing Pacific Ecosystems for Entrepreneurship and Innovation - BY INVITATION ONLY

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Australia) is pleased to support the Griffith Asia Institute’s Roundtable Policy Dialogue on “Enhancing Pacific Ecosystems for Entrepreneurship and Innovation” scheduled to be held on 26/27 March 2024 in Brisbane.

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This event is part of a larger project aiming to revitalise the small scale enterprises sector in the Pacific region so as to foster economic recovery and capacity building after the coronavirus pandemic. Implementation of the project takes place through 3 distinct phases. Phase 1 focusses primarily on gathering and analysing data from three Pacific Island countries (Samoa, Solomon Islands and Federated States of Micronesia). Through a series of interviews with local institutions and surveys administered to both potential and established small-scale entrepreneurs, GAI’s research team is gathering important insights on how certain behaviours among entrepreneurs impact their ability to address development constraints, what support mechanisms currently exist for entrepreneurs, and where there are opportunities for technology to play a larger role.


Hosting various senior officials and industry experts from across the Pacific region, the event is meant to serve as a foundation for crafting effective policy recommendations, fostering collaboration between Pacific leaders, and planning strategic interventions, with the overarching goal to expedite the Pacific region's development. Outcomes of the dialogue will contribute to the ongoing regional efforts to promote economic recovery and sustainability in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and increasing climate risks, in line with the priorities of the Pacific Forum Economic Ministers and 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent.


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Eva Wagner

Eva Wagner

Senior Programme Coordinator
Rule of Law, Energy and Development Policy +61 2 6154 9323