Parallel to this, an international conference in São Paulo, addressing the importance of internet, its governance as well as its fu-ture, was taking place. The speakers as well as the audience in Recife built parallels to this event, by reflecting on what kind of im-plications cyber governance might have on virtual democracy. This resulted into a vivid interaction between speakers and audience within a well attended conference room, demonstrating the increasing importance which this topic represents within different spheres. The event was attended by aca-demic as well as political spheres, including the presence of youth wings of political par-ties, such as the Democrats and Pirates. Both speakers and audience were able to interact with each other on a face-to-face basis, as well as virtually via Twitter, by us-ing the hash tag #DemocraciaVirtual, the comments of which were presented on a screen within the conference room.
To read the whole event summary, please open the annexed pdf-document.