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Country reports

Lula III: Between Euphoria and Disillusionment

Almost 100 days of the Lula government

The euphoria following the election victory of President Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva (Partido dos Trabalhadores, PT) in Brazil is being followed by the expected disillusionment about a hundred days after his third inauguration (Lula III) and the West is having to realise that disappointments are quite possible even with this new government.

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While Lula was still celebrated as a hero of democracy, environmentalist and presumably reliable foreign politician in January 2023, his first acts in office reveal that pragmatism and ideology dominate his government and that the old evil of corruption is also an issue again. Thus, allegations of corruption overshadow ministers of his cabinet, but due to the guarantee of governability, for which Lula depends on a broad alliance with parties of the centre, no consequences are drawn. An asbestos-laden aircraft carrier was sunk in a controlled manner by the navy off the Brazilian coast despite environmental concerns. Also with regard to the condemnation of Russia for the invasion of Ukraine and the support of ammunition deliveries, NATO does not find an ally in Brazil, despite pleas from US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, but got a rebuff. The Lula government is burdened with high expectations, which the president has so far only met to a limited extent in view of the prevailing conflicts of interest and his party orientation. Disappointment is already spreading, especially among Western allies, but also among his supporters.

The full-length publication is only available in German.

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Maximilian Hedrich

Maximilian Hedrich

Director KAS office Brazil +55 21 2220 5441 +55 21 2220 5448


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