Online seminar
The course is divided into three thematic blocks, each consisting of two units. It takes place twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 to 9.30 p.m. in virtual format (via Zoom). The course units are recorded and made available to participants the next day. Certificates of attendance will be issued for attendance of 75% or more.
Registration is required. Places are limited.
I Block: The Third Sector and the Role of Civil Society Organisations
Unit 1 - History of civil society organisations and the role of the third sector - 12/07
Rafael Mahfoud Marcoccia
Unit 2 - The reach of civil society organisations - 14/07
Rafael Mahfoud Marcoccia
II Block: Social engagement and the importance of multipliers for the common good
Carolina Maria Alves Costa
Unit 1 - 19/07
Unit 2 - 21/07
III Block: Human Rights and the Principle of Subsidiarity
Thais Novaes Calavlcanti
Unit 1 - 26/07
Unit 2 - 28/07