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European Grid Development

Sustainable models for dialogue and participation

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and TenneT, Europe’s first cross-borderelectricity transmission system operator (TSO), jointly inviteto this Adenauer-Forum.

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Acceptance is the key factor in the fast development of grid development.

Whether acceptance will be achieved, heavily depends on how the

dialogue with the affected public and citizens is shaped. In Germany and

the Netherlands, TenneT is able to look back onto projects where

acceptance for new tranmission lines was significantly improved and

where the approval process could be accelerated. The topic is also

relevant for the European Commission in order to accelerate the

development of the European network deployment.

We would like to discuss with you the cornerstone of successful public

participation and to reason how to increase acceptance for large

infrastructure projects. Therefore we cordially invite you to our Adenauer-


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Brussels European Office
11, Avenue de l’Yser,
B-1040 Brussels
Zur Webseite



  • Lex Hartman - Member of the Management Board
    • TenneT B.V.andDr. Markus Schulte - Cabinet Günther Oettinger – Commissioner for Energy

      Eva Majewski

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