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Keeping up with digitalization – how it transforms our working life and what we need to adjust

KAS-Google Workshop-Series

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Our world has been strongly changed by digitalization and the development of revolutionary new technologies. Social relationships are maintained through the internet, 140 characters messages are spread across the whole world in seconds and new jobs, for instance app-developer or videogames-scriptwriting, have gone from “inconceivable” to “we can´t work without them”.

The modernization through digitalization and technical innovations has left its mark on the daily working routine and environment. Not only totally new jobs have been created, the already existing jobs have been also changed to a lasting extent. Technologies allow the simplification of tasks, the implementation of new solutions against old problems and the modernization and upgrade of the processes and ways of working. The evolution of the working environment is closely connected to this evolution. The old, fixed working manners have been replaced by new creative approaches in many companies. Employers who promote this evolution and encourage the creativity and the commitment of their workers now belong to the forerunners and are often market leaders of the modern economy.

During our next workshop we will discuss these developments and illustrate new approaches and prospective possibilities for the renewed working environment and the change of the traditional working space.

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Brussels European Office
11, Avenue de l’Yser,
B-1040 Brussels
Zur Webseite



Benoit Tabaka (Head of Mobile Economic Policy at Google EMEA), Cecilia Zappalà (Adviser - Digital Economy, BusinessEurope), Jeroen Lenaers (MEP and member of EMPL committee), Dr. Andrea Hammermann (Cologne Institute for Economic Research)


Keeping up with digitalization – how it transforms our working life and what we need to adjust: KAS-Google Workshop-Series
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Kai Zenner

Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher