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We mourn the loss of our Honorary Chairman Prof. Dr Bernhard Vogel

The former Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia died at the age of 92.

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Shaping Africa's climate future by nurturing young leaders fo...

The 4th Climate Diplomacy Academy, 2024: Empowering Africa's Climate Leaders

CDA aimed to equip 80 young and aspiring climate change diplomats from 21 countries across SSA with the essential skills and knowledge needed to drive effective climate action.

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Overview of Critical Raw Minerals and Metals in Sub- Saharan ...

Towards inclusive and transparent environmental governance for critical minerals and metals in Africa...

Globally, humanity is currently contending with a triple planetary crisis: climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss. For Africa, climate change has become a risk multiplier t...

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The upcoming sixth session of the United Nations Environment ...

UNEA-6 Sparks Environmental Transformation, highlighting a Collective Global Action

The importance of UNEA-6 lies not only in its ambitious agenda but also in the collaborative spirit it seeks to foster. Supported by robust scientific insights, political determinat...

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Have African Interests and Priorities been addressed?

COP28 Outcomes

The Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) marked a historic moment with 97,000 participants gathered in Dubai, UAE.

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Capacity Gap Assessment Study


In a bid to align with the obligation of the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2 Degrees Celsius, ideally 1.5 Degrees compared to pre-industrialised levels,...

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is a political foundation in the Federal Republic of Germany. The Climate Policy and Energy Security Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa is a Regional Programme with the ultimate objective to implement and consolidate KAS activities related to climate policy and energy security on the African continent.

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German Mozambican Climate Dialogue

On April 18, the German Embassy launched a new format for dialogue and networking, called the "German Mozambican Climate Dialogue", in close collaboration with the Ministry of Land ...

Climate Diplomacy Academy 2024 (CDA)

Climate Diplomacy Academy 2024 (CDA)

CDA fosters the interconnectedness between #climatechange and issues like #economy, #migration and #human security among experts in the region. More from our past participants.

Climate Smart Agriculture

Youth Agriprenuership in Central Africa

With agriculture being the largest employer in #Africa, accounting for 43% of total employment, harnessing the potential of youth is crucial for #sustainabledevelopment

Sustainable practices

National Tree Planting Day - Kenya

In our commitment to raising #climatechangeawareness and promoting #sustainablepractices, we took a step forward by planting trees a dedication to #environmentalstewardship.

Stocktaking the climate urban legal reforms in Malawi.

UN-Habitat Urban Law Module of the Law and Climate Change Toolkit

Young people are a key step towards changing mindsets, especially the implementation of environmental laws, which is a crucial milestone in the drive towards #sustainability

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A total of 9.9 million people live without access to electricity in Ghana and Senegal.

Catalysing Green Rural Job Creation with DRE in West Africa

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