It is crucial to massively involve the community media in the fight against climate change, because sharing information and dissemination of awareness spots are the most effective way to reach more people and raise awareness. To do this, a training of Cameroon Community Media Managers / Representatives to establish a communication strategy is necessary. In order to enable people and communities to understand that it is time to change their attitudes and habits. Human being action is the primary cause of atmospheric pollution and the degradation of the environment.Initiatives have been undertaken both by non-governmental organizations and by the public authorities to stem this scourge, including the signing of the 1996 Framework Law on Environmental Management signed by the Minister of the Environment Protection Nature and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED) to regulate all activities that may be harmful to the environment. In our view, there is an urgent need to invest in training women and men in the media to facilitate the information, education and contribution of all communities in order to ensure better action against climate change as key actors and stakeholders, since we know that no one is marginalized from this action of destruction and degradation of the ecosystem. Hence the need to act together to reduce practices and actions that contribute to destroying our environment.
The two-day training workshop will be purely participatory and interactive between trainers and participants through:
Group Practical Work
Role Playing
Exposed presentations
Debates / exchanges / sharing of experiences
Pour s’enregistrer:
Autre Information:
Group Practical Work
Role Playing
Exposed presentations
Debates / exchanges / sharing of experiences
Pour s’enregistrer:
- Être un homme de média et être invité par l’association Tomorrow Children ou la Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
- Attester sur l’honneur de produire un article de presse dans son média, au plus tard 2 semaines après la formation.
Autre Information:
- Pour toute demande complémentaire n'hésitez pas à contacter les organisateurs aux adresses mails : /