This symposium will be held during the COP20 (Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - UNFCCC) as part of commitments under the United Nations Convention on the management of climate change as well as frameworks that encourage subscription to cooperation agreements of the Pacific Alliance. This meeting represents the first effort to create a mechanism for the exchange of best practices to manage climate change. The participants in this symposium have been invited to share experiences and to brainstorm possibilities to establish a systematic network to continue this exchange. The overall objective of the platform for the exchange of best practices is to improve the coordination of efforts to prevent and mitigate the effects of natural and socio-economic disasters caused by climate change in the Pacific Alliance. Equally important is to promote win-win situations between national and regional economies, and to encourage practices to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The goals, for its members, and by extension, their audiences at central, regional and local level through the exchange of knowledge and experience, are: • an increase in knowledge of the activities of other actors in the same position • Better development and dissemination of knowledge, methods, data and coordination • efficient use of resources in the area • more national and international opportunities for cooperation • tangible benefits of a strong transnational network.
Click here for more information about the program.