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Harvesting Overlooked Potential

by Dr. Dale Medearis

International Cooperation through Strategic Local Level Engagement

Dr. Dale Medearis is Senior Regional Planner for the Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC). Two years ago, we published his paper on strategic international engagement at the local and regional level. Now, he revisits this topic with a close look at the relevance and potential of such cooperation and which benefits for a region's economy and technological and environmental status it can reap.

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Dale Medearis states: "National and local leaders tout the importance of lesson learning or commercial ties to global engagement. But there is little understanding and fewer resources within U.S. local governments about how to strategically search for and apply innovative technologies and policies with domestic or local benefits (...) This paper will share observations about the current trends of international work by local governments in the United States and the particular challenges of focusing and clarifying local level benefits."

The views, conclusions and recommendations expressed in this report are solely those of its author and do not reflect the views of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, or its employees.

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Sabine Murphy

Sabine Murphy bild

Senior Policy Advisor +1 202 464 5840


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